Weekdays Noon pm ET

The Whistleblower Report™ will shine a light of truth, from a variety of perspectives and voices. Hosted by a core team of content experts in different fields, with invited guest whistleblowers. The Whistleblower Report™ will focus on the following topical areas: Military, Pediatric, Legal, Faith, Medical, and so much more.

The Whistleblower Report™ carries out the mission of the Truth for Health Foundation to provide truthful, balanced, medically sound, research-based information and cutting-edge updates on the prevention and treatment of common medical conditions, including COVID-19 and other infectious diseases, that affect health, quality of life and longevity.

The Whistleblower Report™ is an extension of that mission as a resource for all who seek truth and freedom in medical decision-making.

  • LEGAL UPDATE: CAPT. SALIBA Pro Se Lawsuit Granted Cert at SCOTUS!

    Capt. Bahig Saliba is an American Airlines pilot and whistleblower who has filed several major lawsuits against the airline as a pro se litigant in the District Court of Phoenix, Arizona that challenged the covid jabs and masking of pilots at American Airlines and the airline industry in general. His approach has been to challenge…

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  • Spiritual Attack on Christian Leaders: Dr. Martin Luther King and Pres Donald Trump

    The 55th anniversary, April 4, 2023, of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination in Memphis, TN, shook America. Dr. Martin Luther King was standing for peaceful resistance to tyranny and oppression in the unity of the American people coming together as Americans, regardless of race. Dr. King was a visionary leader. He was a man of…

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  • Betrayed by Big Pharma: How Shoddy Manufacturing & Distribution Practices Put Lives at Risk

    Truth for Health Foundation Whistleblower Report team reveals shocking information from BIG Pharma career insiders that are urgent for the public to understand – the information you take time to read NOW may save your life! Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP, GLP, GCP, GDP) standards and pharmacovigilance oversight have been flagrantly ignored by the SARS-CoV-2 injection manufacturers,…

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  • Assault on Freedom Escalating: Citizen Legal Action Steps To Take NOW

    Free Citizens around the world are standing against the assault of tyranny and dictatorial governments – witness the Dutch Farmers fighting the government takeover of their land, millions of French citizens protesting Macron’s pension confiscation, British citizens protest in London on March 25, and freedom rallies in the US, Australia, Canada, and other countries. Over…

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  • Big Pharma’s Coverup of COVID Shot Deaths

    “We have entered an age where it’s not just large states in control of weapons of mass destruction. Now, CORPORATIONS build and control weapons of mass destruction. It’s the democratization of doomsday,” said Attorney Jeff Childers. This was after the expose of Pfizer’s planned manipulation of viruses to be more deadly in order to “preemptively” develop…

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  • Rio 1992 Accords Set Stage for Bill Gates’ Vaccine Monopoly

    Bill Gates, the college drop-out obsessed with “vaccines” to control the world who does not understand medicines, viruses, or people, has boasted in recent interviews that his vaccines have not worked, but this is “the most profitable investment” he has ever made. Today’s Whistleblower Report reveals shocking agreements between Gates’ Microsoft Teams and the UK government to…

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  • Former Green Beret: Strategies To Navigate the Minefields of Fear

    We have been assaulted with the weapon of fear for the last three years of the COVID pandemic and the fear propaganda that has been used to control people. How do you prepare to navigate this minefield of fear? Are there strategies you can be taught to protect yourself from the adverse health effects of…

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  • US Army Punitive Actions on Religious Accommodation Requests

    Army high command continues to persecute and retaliate against service members of faith who sought religious accommodations (RAs) for the experimental COVID shot. Whistleblower Army Capt. Kelly Cruthirds brings to light ways in which Army higher command pressures those under their command to, in effect, violate UCMJ regulations for handling religious accommodation (RA) requests for exemptions from…

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  • Aliens, Gene Modification, and Transhumanism, Through the Lens of Scripture

    Are you puzzled by reports of “alien” sightings on the rise lately? Are you concerned about the major push to “change genders” with men dressed up as women being given women’s awards, playing women’s sports, and sharing bathrooms with women? Have you been worried about all the changes to our human genes with the mRNA…

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  • Meet the Homeschooled Gen Z Leaders Fighting for Freedom

    A common question of the day is – “Is there any hope for our youth?” With a silver spoon in their mouth and a screen in hand, Gen Z, also known as the iGeneration, is often thought of as selfish, hopeless, and incapable of any laudable accomplishment. Today’s show presents another angle that counters this stereotype, featuring…

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  • Died Suddenly at 30,000 Ft? The FAA, FDA, CDC Cover-up Signals Big Risk in the Air

    A British Airways Pilot “COLLAPSES DEAD,” reported by The Sun in a hotel foyer leaving for the airport to captain an Airbus A321 fully loaded passenger jet from Cairo to London’s Heathrow Airport, but had a “HEART ATTACK.” Colleagues attempted CPR but were unable to revive him. Imagine the catastrophe for passengers if he had suffered this…

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  • Ohio Land Grab: EPA Under CERCLA Could Confiscate Contaminated Property

    International attorney Todd Callender, Esq. exposes the legal framework in place that sets the stage for an EPA declaration of East Palestine, Ohio, and surrounding areas as a “Superfund” toxic site. Declaring the land and homes “contaminated” and uninhabitable and then ordering a mass evacuation of residents. From the legal standpoint, the EPA is all-powerful…

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  • Pfizer Whistleblower on Massive Fraud in Clinical Trials

    Courageous Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson and her attorney Warner Mendenhall discuss the landmark federal court case in Beaumont, TX, against Pfizer for the massive fraud in the clinical trials for the COVID shots. The lies, cover-ups, deceptive practices, and data manipulation are genuinely some of the worst in the history of modern pharmaceuticals. Even more stunning, the data on…

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  • CDC Corruption – from Agent Orange Dioxin Dangers to COVID Shots

    Why have the same CDC officials who hid the Agent Orange dioxin catastrophic health damage to Vietnam military veterans been in charge of vaccine safety and developmental disorders since the 1980s, and then put in charge of the COVID shots – covering up the devastating complications and deaths of the experimental mRNA technology? Dr. Coleen…

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  • mRNA Vaccines Designed to Implement the WEF Agenda 2030

    The dramatic disintegration of Big Pharma’s normal manufacturing standards and abject failure of the FDA’s regulatory oversight on the safety and quality of the COVID shots, along with explosive new information about toxicity and damage to the nervous system and fertility is exposed in this Vaccine Report with our international and US experts, Dr. Mike…

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  • A COVID Survival Miracle and A Testament to Faith and Courage

    In an incredible 98-day journey through the COVID valley of the shadow of death, 63-year-old Doug Hines was released from the “prison” of isolation, mechanical ventilation, and the toxicity of Remdesivir. He still has a long journey of arduous recovery ahead. He faces dialysis due to kidney damage as a known complication of Remdesivir. Still,…

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  • The Church in America MIA in the Battle Against Evil

    The Christian Church in America has been MIA in the battle against the evil assault on God’s gift of life and freedom during the last three years of the COVID pandemic. When churches closed to worship at the direction of the government, and many became vaccination centers at the direction of the government pushing experimental…

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  • Chemical Catastrophe in Ohio Coverup

    New information comes to the Whistleblower Report team that the EPA has deployed a “Superfund Community Involvement” official to East Palestine, Ohio, EPA Region 5. No city wants to be designated a “Superfund” toxic waste site. So just exactly what is the agenda behind the disastrous mishandling of the Ohio train derailment and detonation of rail cars of toxic…

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  • Christian Men Stand Up Against Transgender Grooming in Maine Schools

    Parents in Winslow, Maine, were ambushed without warning by the sudden “transgender grooming” of their children at school without the parent’s knowledge or consent. Michael Gary, a Christian man, husband, father of four, and 25-year military veteran knew it was time to stand on Biblical authority and defend the children from these destructive policies pushed…

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  • Army Combat Medic and MP Abused by Department of Defense

    The Department of Defense is in serious trouble with its all-volunteer force, who are leaving the service in droves after their service obligations expire, and recruitment rates are at all-time lows. The Department of Defense is now recalling Soldiers that they recently destroyed with these weaponized COVID-19 mandates. If that’s not an abusive relationship, I…

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  • Ohio Chemical Disaster & Coverup of Dioxin Dangers to Health

    Ohio EPA officials confirmed on February 20 that there is no testing for dioxin by-products of the detonation of five rail cars full of vinyl chloride (VC) in East Palestine, Ohio, after the February 3 massive train derailment. In a phone call from our team, the Ohio EPA official said they were only testing for two chemicals: vinyl…

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  • Whistleblower Report – 2.26.2023

    DoD VAX Mandates, Damage to Military Spouses and Families The tragic story of a military spouse severely injured following the COVID “jab” is today’s focus in this interview with the Gilmores and our Military CBRN expert co-host. Prior to the COVID shot, Courtney was a healthy 34-year-old mother of 4 with no health problems. The…

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  • Whistleblower Report – 2.25.2023

    5G and EMF Radiation Injury – What You Need to Know! Is 5G all it is cracked up to be? Is it SAFE? How does exposure to 5G radiation affect people who have gotten the COVID shots? What can you do to treat radiation injury? What can you do to prevent excess radiation exposure? Listen…

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  • Whistleblower Report – 2.23.2023

    Army FRAGO 38 Shows DoD Attorneys’ Perjury in Court Department of Defense lawyers actually made false statements (perjury) in court, stating there is no continuing retribution against our military service members over the Covid vaccine mandates. Army Fragmentary Order (FRAGO) 38, the new directive from the Army, itself contradicts these statements by the DoD attorneys…

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  • Whistleblower Report – 2.23.2023

    COVID Shot Damage & Dioxin Contamination is “Gasoline on a Fire” Dioxin damage in the Ohio train chemical disaster causes combined damage in those who have had the COVID shots. Dr. Jonathan Gilthorpe, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Cell and Molecular and Developmental Biology in Sweden, discusses damage from the toxin dioxin on developing babies in…

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  • Whistleblower Report – 2.22.2023

    The Danger of Dioxin, Chemicals & Drones Left Unchecked Military Advisors for Truth for Health Foundation bring an urgent alert to America about the multiple fronts of attack on our homeland. Dioxin was unleashed into the environment from the detonation of vinyl chloride railcar tanks in East Palestine, Ohio, and acres of burning plastics in…

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  • Whistleblower Report – 2.18.2023

    Deadly Dioxin Threat Not Disclosed in Ohio and Florida Chemical Disasters What do Vietnam and East Palestine, Ohio, have in common? DIOXIN. Pound for pound, or molecule for molecule, Dioxin is more toxic than Botulin toxin. Dioxin is one of the most toxic chemical compounds known, and results from the burning of burning plastics (also referred…

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  • Whistleblower Report – 2.17.2023

    VAX Deaths, China’s Balloon Threats, and Global Predators End Game America faces major threats from many directions. WHO announced the Marburg virus emergency, whistleblower releases CMS government data confirming increased deaths with each COVID shot, and shorter lifespan by ~24 years, dangerous chemical spill on Ohio threatens people and wildlife, and the US airspace is…

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  • Whistleblower Report – 2.16.2023

    COVID Shot Reports from US, London, and Stockholm on Death Data Whistleblower reports Medicare and Medicaid US data shows shockingly high death rates after the COVID shots that increase further with each shot. Steve Kirsch’s newsletter on February 9, 2023, released the CMS data that shows a consistent picture for Medicare patients under age 80:…

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  • Whistleblower Report – 2.16.2023

    Army Sergeant Major COVID VAX-Injured Speaks Out! Groundbreaking! Army Sergeant Major at the highest level of Army enlisted infantry combat leadership, Sergeant Major Jason Brunhoeber, speaks out on devastating COVID-19 vaccine damage that has ended his exemplary Army career and forced him into an early Medical Elimination Board. America, you must listen to the damage…

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  • Whistleblower Report – 2.14.2023

    US Debt Default Creates Global Reset & Financial Armageddon Following last week’s meetings with world central bank leaders, International attorney, and Insurance CEO Todd Callender, Esq. warns of a financial Armageddon imminent with the Biden Administration’s plans to default on the US debt – a move designed to collapse the US dollar and provide the…

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  • The Tide of Aggressive Wokism in US Military Academies

    Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Sandra Miarecki, fired from the Air Force Academy in September 2022 for standing up against the illegal COVID shot mandates for the students, exposes the damages and dangers of the “aggressive wokism” invading our military service academies at an accelerated pace under the Biden Administration. Now officially retired from her…

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  • Groundbreaking Criminal Case on Vaccine Damage Filed Against Swiss President

    Because he and his family were harmed by the experimental COVID shot, and based on false statements to the Swiss people, Pascal Najadi as one citizen outraged by the deception and lies, filed criminal charges with his local police for under the Abuse of power provisions of Article 310 of the Swiss Criminal Code. The Charges…

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  • UK Cancer Surgeon Suspended! Landmark High Court Case Against Medical Tyranny

    One of the United Kingdom’s top breast and colo-rectal cancer surgeons and global medical leaders was suspended in May of 2020 from practicing medicine and surgery with no due process for speaking against the damaging COVID policies and experimental COVID shots causing so much death and disability. As a tireless warrior for medical ethics and…

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  • The Department of Defense Weaponization is Destroying Our Protected Communicators

    The Department of Defense is in peril, due to spineless “Brass” who have allowed the weaponization of COVID-19 mandates and products to be coerced into America’s all-volunteer military force. In the U.S. Army, there are specific guidelines that regulate protected communications (i.e., “Whistleblowers”), such as “Army Regulation 600-20 paragraph 5-12.” This regulation specifically states that…

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  • Breaking News! NIH Announces Next New Vaccine Rollout

    Right on schedule… the NIH announces “breaking news” of a new “vaccine” for another deadly virus threat, the “Sudan virus,” one of four viruses known to cause human Ebola virus disease. The new vaccine, VSV-SUDV, was suddenly developed at the speed of light based on a limited four-month outbreak in Uganda with “143 confirmed cases,…

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  • Whistleblower Report – 2.7.2023

    VACCINE REPORT – New Sudan Virus Vaccine Plandemic

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  • Whistleblower Report – 02.06.2023

    Military service members discuss the impact of the unlawful COVID shot mandates.

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  • Father & Freedom Fighter Warns, COVID Shots Killed My Son!

    Ernest Ramirez, who lost his son to fatal myocarditis five days after the Pfizer experimental COVID-19 injection, describes his motorcycle tour to alert parents to the dangers of the COVID shots and expose the lies and deceptions with media propaganda of “safe and effective.” Ernest pleads with parents to heed his warnings that these COVID…

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  • Whistleblower Report – 2.3.2023

    Critical changes in military training are occurring that are actually contrary to their stated goals, and undermine the Judeo-Christian foundation on which America was founded, and the code of military ethics and Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is based. Army Captain, Chaplain Chad Booth describes what is happening in the military training that parallels…

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  • Whistleblower Report – 2.2.2023

    Russian President Vladimir Putin just took a stunning step to protect the Russian people from the global predators’ drive for control and power. Putin’s moves will likely send shock waves around the world, and could lead to devastating damage to the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, causing severe additional economic downturn in America.…

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  • Dr. Mike Yeadon and Hedley Rees Describe Pharma’s Descent into Doomsday

    Career Pharma executives and insiders, Dr. Mike Yeadon and Hedley Rees, in a shocking exposé, discuss evidence that Pharma executives and researchers demonstrated “malice aforethought,” knew the pandemic was coming, planned for it over the last 25 years, engaged in clinical trial fraud, improper and unsafe manufacturing to produce unlicensed products that have led to the global doomsday of…

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  • Shocking Death Data Fraud is the BIG COVID LIE

    COVID death data fraud shows a staggering cover-up of the true causes of death that have hit America and the world since 2021 after the roll-out of the unlicensed gene therapy COVID shots. COVID is not the major killer in 2021-2023 as the media narrative continues to push. In fact, our Whistleblower guest today shows that in…

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  • Biden’s Purge and Punishment of Military is Weakening US Military Readiness

    America is experiencing a national defense crisis and massive failure in leadership across all branches of the Armed Forces directly related to the purging of experienced, trained service members of faith and allegiance to the US Constitution, and failure to recruit and retain troops due to the mandated COVID shots. The loss of experienced military…

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  • World Economic Forum Shifts COVID Fear Mongering to Climate Change Crisis

    CNN’s Tech Director, Charlie Chester, was recently caught red-handed in Project Veritas’s undercover video describing CNN executives’ directive to instill the next fear using “Climate Change Crisis” and dropping coverage of COVID. Now that America and the world are no longer cowering in fear about COVID, the Global Predators know they are losing control and encountering resistance…

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  • Sheriffs and Ranchers Plea for Help from the Border Invasion

    It was February 24, 1836, when Lt. Col. William Barrett Travis sat down in a quiet spot by the Alamo in Texas and wrote one of history’s most powerful messages pleading for aid and reinforcements for those 236 Texas volunteers under siege by more than 1800 seasoned Mexican soldiers. Along the US Southern Border, today’s…

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  • Yeadon and Rees on ‘The End Game’ for mRNA Gene Therapy Vaccines

    Two career Pharma insiders expose the end game agenda with the gene therapy COVID shots unleashed on the world in a massive rollout of experimental mRNA and Lipid Nanoparticle technology that Big Pharma knew more than 20 years ago had serious toxicity in animal models and humans. Dr. Yeadon as an immunologist, exposes the damage to the…

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  • 10 Action Steps to Get YOUR Medical Records

    Have you or a loved one been a victim of the hospital COVID protocol? Did someone in your family die in a hospital, and the hospital is refusing to release medical records to you? Do hospitals tell you that you don’t have the legal right to obtain someone else’s medical records? Did you have medical…

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  • With the Stroke of a Pen, Joe Biden Betrays America’s Sovereignty

    With the “stroke of a pen,” Joe Biden signed the January 2023 Declaration of North America that has betrayed American sovereignty as a Nation, making one “North America” country out of Mexico, the USA, and Canada. This move fulfills long-hidden international accords and UN agreements among the signatory nations that reach back to 1992. But…

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  • 10 Letters – Legal Strategies for Vaccine Injury Accountability

    Millions of people have been injured or killed by this COVID illness, and the experimental COVID injection deceptively called a “vaccine.” New Whistleblower documents now show the entire “COVID” project was a military operation created as a National Security threat and owned by the Department of Defense (DoD)/Pentagon and authorized as “Operation Warp Speed.” Unequivocally…

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  • Whistleblower Reprisals: DoD’s Hidden Pandemic

    A continuing “undercover” Pandemic is attacking our military, hidden from the American public, and causing catastrophic damage to our military readiness and strength. The Department of Defense leadership has been engaging in systematic, widespread retaliatory actions against military whistleblowers who are exposing the “shadow policies” operating to punish those courageous service members speaking out about…

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  • Biden’s Border Invasion: The Accelerated Collapse of America

    The Border Report exposes shocking details on the dire threat to America from within the Biden Administration’s “Open Borders” policies directed by international Puppet Masters, beginning with the UN, and WEF, and including Transnational Drug Cartels that control both the Mexico and USA sides of our southern border between the official Ports of Entry. Whistleblower and Border…

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  • Danger! Legal Strategies to Remove 5G/LED Towers in Your Community

    The telecoms industry and other regulatory bodies have continually denied the real purpose, and the existence of the radiation dangers posed by the deployment of 5G technologies. These telecoms execs have actively misled the public by issuing demonstrably false press releases through local and national media, as well as by making false statements in courts…

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  • WMD First Responder, US Diplomat on Weaponized CV19 Injections

    Many thousands of service members got duped into participating through various means of deceit, coercion, lies, and unlawful behavior by their leadership and medical personnel, in spite of their legal right to refuse any experimental medical treatment. Many have been damaged with adverse events from a “vaccine” that command claimed “safe and effective,” when the…

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  • DoD Control of COVID Vaccine, New FRAGO #35 Perils to Troops

    In breaking news on Armed Forces Press on January 5, newly obtained documents reveal the Department of Defense controlled the COVID-19 program from the start — including the experimental COVID shots — using a combination of the PREP Act, Emergency Use Authorization regulations, and Other Transactions Authority (OTA) that served to provide immunity and shield…

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  • Stop the Shots and Let Freedom Ring

    Dr. Sheila Furey, a psychiatrist in Virginia, knew at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic that something “was not adding up” when the medical profession, at large, claimed to have no treatment for sick patients with COVID prior to hospitalization. Since then, she has been on the frontline providing effective early ambulatory treatment. Now, she…

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  • Epiphany and The Magi, Myth vs. Biblical Truth

    January 6 is the traditional day we celebrate “Epiphany” and the visit of the Magi to the Christ child. What does Epiphany really mean? When did the Magi really visit the Christ child? Who were they really? What was the significance of their gifts, and what is their relevance for us today? What does “Epiphany”…

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  • Spotlight on the Collaboration of Government Agencies and Big Pharma Scientists

    America and the world face extreme danger from the enormous power and weaponization of “the military-industrial complex” that President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned against in his Farewell speech to the Nation at the end of his Presidency in 1961. This is the same danger that President John F. Kennedy warned about in 1963, shortly before…

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  • Decades of Coordinated Big Pharma & DoD Databases Reflect Sick Agenda

    Just as the WWII top-secret Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb was paid for by General Mills to hide the government’s involvement, today we see the Department of Energy, and the Department of Defense sending billions of taxpayer dollars to Big Pharma and other private businesses to develop these multi-functional disease-causing gene mutations and…

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  • What the COVID Shots Do to Your Blood…and More

    Nuclear cardiologist and physicist, Richard Fleming, MD, Ph.D., JD, reveals his shocking independent analysis of the actual damage to blood and healthy red blood cells from Pfizer’s COVID shots. The mRNA genetic material gets into the red blood cells and alters the structure of the hemoglobin molecule so that it cannot carry oxygen, which is…

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  • USAF Cadets Unlawfully Expelled for Exercising Constitutional Rights

    USAF Academy cadets speak out about the unlawful expulsion from the Air Force Academy and the punitive abuse, 21-day isolation, and psychological trauma perpetrated by their commanders under the pretext of “quarantine.” That America’s sons and daughters who wanted to dedicate their lives to serving our country are treated no better than prisoners in jails is wake…

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  • DAY OF INFAMY: Pearl Harbor Lessons for Today

    Today marks the 81st anniversary of Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, killing 2,403 Americans and wounding 1,178 others…in addition to destroying most of our Pacific fleet ships at Pearl Harbor Naval Base.  This vicious act launched the United States into World War II in a death match against evil to preserve and maintain the American ideal…

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  • Whistleblower Report – Who Owns You?

    COVID Injections are gene modifiers, and those who are injected become GMOs, is this resulting DNA in human GMO subjects owned by pharma? Dr. Vliet and International Attorney Todd Callender discuss.

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  • Navy Special Operations Medic Speaks Out!

    Senior Chief special operations medic Dixon Brown, a Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer with over 18 years in the military, and with many deployments as a combat medic “downrange,”discusses his journey over the last two years with the COVID19 Emergency Declaration and the impact of the mandates in the military. The reality of what he…

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  • Medical Martial Law Coming to Your State? Here’s What You Need to Know

    Although stopped for now in New York state, shockingly, this regulatory framework has already passed into law in Florida, Alaska, and Washington state, which have all adopted the “Turning Point” model legislation. Similar initiatives are making their way state by state, and are in various stages of the legislative process. Today’s Whistleblower Report documents the legal framework and plans going back…

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  • Major FAA Lawsuit and Biden’s Transhumanism September 12 Executive Order

    Dangers to the flying public, and those on the ground in the event of an air disaster with a military or civilian plane crash are very real threats with the vaccine-induced damage to commercial and military pilots. Legal and Medical Whistleblowers have come forward with dire warnings to the FAA that have been ignored. Dire…

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  • FLCCC Physicians Persecuted For Saving Lives

    Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory, two of the world’s leading pulmonary medicine and critical care physicians and co-founders of the Frontline Covid Critical Care Alliance, led the successful treatment of critically ill COVID patients with combination, sequenced multi-drug interventions based on Ivermectin and other older safer medicines. In spite of having a medication strategy…

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  • America’s Beacon of Hope to the World Starts with the Church

    The Church — Protestant and Catholic — is under assault by those determined to undermine the Judeo-Christian principles on which America and most Western civilization have been founded. The future of the Christian faith in the Western world, in particular, seems to be hanging on by a thread, with religious freedom under constant attack from…

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  • Pediatric Pandemic Impacts; Makings of A Whistleblower Trio

    Today’s program provides the audience the opportunity to get to know the hosts’ personal and professional experiences with the COVID-19 Pandemic. All three of our co-hosts for the Pediatric Report have paid a high price for the lies, deceptions, and unlawful COVID shot mandates that have cost lives, livelihoods and trampled upon core human rights,…

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  • Toxicity By Design: Dr. Yeadon’s Critical Message to the World

    DrLee4America talks with Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientist Worldwide, Allergy and Respiratory, and one of the only senior pharmaceutical scientists courageously exposing the cover-up of known damage from the experimental gene-therapy COVID shots. The Whistleblower Report’s Medical Freedom segment focuses on exposing the lies, deceptions, cover-ups, and actual deaths and damages…

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  • The Bounty on a COVID Patient’s Life Could Reach Half a Million!

    Murder for money and gross medical deception in America’s hospitals? These two courageous attorneys, whistleblowers on the massive cover-up of intentional deaths in hospitals across America, expose the financial windfalls to hospitals for following the “covid death protocol” put in place by the deadly combination of the NIH, CMS under the 2016 CURES Act and…

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  • Dept. of Defense Violations of Law: The COVER-UP

    The Military Whistleblower Team brings an explosive expose of major violations of law with top DoD officials. A Senior Naval Officer filed an official complaint against Naval Inspector General, Vice Admiral John Fuller, for dereliction of duty by covering up federal crimes committed by several Navy leaders in the execution of the COVID-19 vaccination mandate…

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  • Whistleblower Report™ – Weekdays Noon pm ET

    The Whistleblower Report™ will shine a light of truth, from a variety of perspectives and voices. Hosted by a core team of content experts in different fields, with invited guest whistleblowers. The Whistleblower Report™ will focus on the following topical areas: Miltary, Pediatric, Legal, Faith, Medical, and so much more. The Whistleblower Report™ carries out…

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