Covid-19 Injections, Strange Phenomena and the Nanotech Connection

By Major Mike Gary, US Army Reserves CBRN Officer with Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD, Preventive Medicine and CEO Truth for Health Foundation Across America, people are quietly admitting that the Covid-19 Injectables, deceptively called “vaccines,” were a catastrophic mistake and have caused immeasurable damage and death around the world.  Playing out in the daily lives …

US Army Manipulates COVID-19 PCR Testing of Troops

An Army Sergeant Laboratory Technician (position 68K) stationed at a Public Health Command has come forward to discuss the flaws with the Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) COVID19 testing technology and tell the truth about the high false positive rate artificially created by the directives to run the test at such a high number of cycles.

Commander Calls Peers to Defend Oath to Constitution

LTC Brad Miller served as a battalion commander in the 101st Airborne Division at the time of the DOD’s unlawful implementation of the Covid-19 “vaccine” mandate. Honoring his Oath as an Officer in the US Military, Miller refused to comply with the unlawful order to administer the experimental EUA vaccines. The Army, in retaliation, relieved Miller of command in 2021.

Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines: A Story of Courage and Faith

As we honor the true meaning of Independence Day, July 4, 2023, Navy Commander Robert A. Green, Jr. epitomizes the true spirit of American independence and the courage of his faith in taking action to defend the Constitution behind enemy lines in our “woke” military against the unlawful COVID mandates and DoD violations of both military law and Constitutional law.

Whistleblower Report – 06.20.24 – Dirty Tactics by the WHO at the 77th World Health Assembly

At the 77th World Heath Assembly, the WHO again used dirty tactics to pass new amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulatory Agreements – this time putting in provisions threatening arrest of anyone who speaks out against Avian Flu vaccines[ELVM1] . WHO also threatened delegates of Member States with preventing return ticket purchases after the meeting if they voted against giving up sovereignty.  Read about the WHOs dirty tactics as reported by lawyer Shabnam Palesa Mohammed who was present in Geneva, Switzerland at the 77th WHA meeting.

Whistleblower Report – 06.17.24 – People Rise Up: Explosive Hearing in Philippines, Japanese Minister Apologizes for COVID Shot Damage

Around the world, governments are turning a blind eye to the massive death and destruction of health caused by the COVID shots: sudden deaths in all ages, constant illnesses, myocarditis, brain damage and seizures in children, late stage aggressive Turbo cancers in all age groups, rising Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders, explosion of autoimmune disorders, infertility, miscarriages and stillborn babies. The COVID shots have been a medical disaster for people of all ages, all ethnic groups, and all of the countries with high vaccination rates.

Whistleblower Report – 06.13.24 -FAA Stonewalling: Refuses to Investigate Medical and Legal Violations

The FAA continues to stonewall investigation of serious Medical and legal violations of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 that are risking the safety and lives of passengers and crew on commercial airlines, according to an American Airlines veteran pilot and whistleblower, Capt. Bahig Saliba. Pilots, flight crew, air traffic controllers and other aviation critical support personnel are on the job in spite of serious vaccine injuries that are going unreported, leading to the rising in flight medical emergencies, midair and runway collision near-misses, and mechanical failures.