Why have the same CDC officials who hid the Agent Orange dioxin catastrophic health damage to Vietnam military veterans been in charge of vaccine safety and developmental disorders since the 1980s, and then put in charge of the COVID shots – covering up the devastating complications and deaths of the experimental mRNA technology?
Dr. Coleen Boyle, only recently retired from CDC, was actually exposed by Navy Admiral Zumwalt for her role in the Agent Orange Dioxin coverup that prevented military veterans and their families from qualifying for compensation due to dioxin damage. Yet, according to investigative journalists, she remained at the CDC in charge of vaccine safety, and played a key role in preventing the public from learning about vaccine links to the skyrocketing rates of autism in the US.
Listen to the explosive story about incompetence, corruption, and coverups at the CDC that continued into the CDC’s massive deceptions about the experimental COVID shots. Today’s guest is James Grundvig, the father of a vaccine-injured child, author of the book Master Manipulator, investigative journalist, host of American Media Periscope’s show Unrestricted Truths, and writer for The Epoch Times.
For more on James Grundvig’s work, go to www.JamesGrundvig.com and www.AmericanMediaPeriscope.com.
For more information on Steps to Take Before Hospitalization to save your life, go to Truth for Health Foundation website www.TruthForHealth.org. Download our FACT SHEET on tips to avoid hospitalization and what to do to save your life if you are hospitalized. Also, download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, and check our medical and legal resources for help in many areas of your health.
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