• The COVID crime

    Dr James Lyons-Weiler, an American scientist discredited by big pharma and the government, is adding his voice to what many of us reporting on COVID have been considering. Lyons-Weiler writes on his substack, “Hospital protocolists sticking to the strict hand-me-down highly profitable “COVID protocol” may have doomed a majority of admitted COVID-19 patients to death…

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  • Government characterizing Christians as Nazis

    The biggest threat to your Constitutional guaranteed right of religious freedom is the very entity that is supposed to uphold freedom of religion—the Federal government. In particular, the Biden Administration is continuing the hostile policies of the Obama Administration toward Christians and conservatives through its administrative authorities. A recent investigation by the Media Research Council…

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  • A lesson for today in the story of Ruth

    Many are facing challenging times. Headlines and daily newscasts are a continuous reminder of the turmoil of everyday life. It is easy to get weary in a world where your belief system is contested every minute. It’s easy to get angry, upset, anxious, even depressed over living in this day and age. Yet, as followers…

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  • Memorial Day in the ’60s

    It was usually a really crisp morning, the kind where mud puddles had a very thin layer of ice on them. You could see your breath on the way out to the horse barn. The horses were always ready to eat and when they heard the door to the tack room open, they would whinny.…

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  • Government Transgender Experiments on minors

    Like a page out of Nazi Germany, the National Institutes of Health is funding experiments on the psychological effects of cross-sex hormones on transgender and nonbinary youth, 76% of them under the age of 18. The studies have prompted an inquiry from 15 Congressmen and Senators who are “deeply concerned about your agency’s use of…

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  • Stupidocrisy: It didn’t make Bud wiser

    You may remember the old joke: Question—Does drinking beer make you smart? Answer—Well, it made Bud wiser. Budweiser has become the butt of a not-so-funny joke and apparently the company is not any wiser for the experience. In arguably one of the worst promotional decisions in modern advertising, Bud Light featured Dylan Mulvaney, a man…

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  • Beware of Musks in sheep’s clothing

    Yes, he bought Twitter. Yes, he restored Donald Trump’s account. Yes, he is cracking down on leftists censoring conservatives on Twitter. Yes, he stood against the government propaganda on COVID. Yes, he exposed the FBI for influencing the elections. Yes, he donates money to Republicans. Yes, he says he is a champion of free speech.…

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  • The Wilderness Experience and You

    Have you, or are you having, a “Wilderness Experience” during your life? It’s a time when you look around and it seems dry and parched and nothing you do seems to change it. In my time on earth, I believe everyone I’ve known has had a wilderness experience. Many are having it now. There may…

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  • Rescue us from the mire

    Paula and I were in the same class in high school. We were, still are, good friends. During the week, we were on the same team—The Southeast Pirates. Whether it was girls basketball (she was one of the best players in the state of Ohio) or boys track or football, we were rooting for each…

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  • The Durham Report: Beware and be wise

    Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the 2016 election concludes that the FBI targeted the Trump campaign with no legitimate evidence; pulled out of the Clinton-Russia influence peddling investigation prematurely; and the secret FISA Court was used for political purposes. Conservative news media clearly sees this as a smoking gun of illegal and unethical practices.…

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  • Stupidocrisy: Rewarding incompetence and evil results

    One of the most egregious examples of mishandling a pandemic in history was witnessed by the world during COVID. Now the US government is rewarding one of the organizations whose alleged negligence may have leaked the deadly virus from its Chinese lab. The National Institutes of Health on April 26 awarded EcoHealth Alliance, Inc and…

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  • The Biden Bribe Story: How the news media censors news

    Last Tuesday the House Oversight Committee announced it would release a memo about how Joe Biden peddled his influence to the tune of at least $10 million in bribes. What should have been the most explosive story was a dud as mainstream news outlets chose not to cover it in deference to two other stories…

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  • The Shabbat and your perfect liberty

    There is a great struggle between those who wish to maintain political freedoms such as the right of free speech and religious freedom, and those who seek to diminish them. As believers in Christ our freedom is of a higher order, a spiritual nature, because it is given by God. Your true freedom is not…

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  • The Bridge of God

    In the early 1960’s, it was all the rage. There were two places on the east coast that were “must see’s” and my mom and dad were no exception. They wanted to see them. One was the great Natural Bridge and the other Niagara Falls. It seems strange that people were so obsessed with a…

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  • WHO Decides

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has joined Joe Biden in declaring an end to the COVID 19 pandemic. WHO has closed a chapter in one of the worst managed pandemics in world history where mandated treatments arguably resulted in more deaths than COVID would have caused without them. Effective treatments were forbidden. Doctors were censored…

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  • Stupidocrisy: The debt dance and the fiddler

    All the politicians are so worried about the debt ceiling. Really? Congress says it’s trying to do the right thing by cutting spending and reigning in the runaway Joe Biden socialist and tyrannical programs. Biden is digging in his heals saying that he will not negotiate that Congress must raise the debt ceiling otherwise it…

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  • Government’s coordinating committee on censorship

    There is a connection between the Hunter and Joe Biden enrichment scheme and the fake Russian dossier. Obviously, the Democratic Party is involved in both, but there are other similarities that put American citizens in a very dangerous position. Both stories were during US presidential elections. Both stories were handled to the advantage of the…

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  • Speaking boldly and God’s will

    Ever notice how the people that make it a point to put up signs in their yards like “Hate doesn’t live here” or those who openly say that there needs to be more love and understanding in the world, are the first to express anger, judgment, and mean-spiritedness when someone disagrees with their viewpoints? We…

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  • The Shredded Birthday Shirt

    When I was 10, my dad, mom and myself along with some friends went on a trip to Lexington, Ky., to a quarter horse sale in early 1966. This was quite an experience because my parents wanted me to have a good horse for 4-H and showing. Dad spent $825 on My Holly String, a…

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  • An object lesson in handling persecution

    The website and app called Nextdoor (ND) claims its mission is “By bringing neighbors and organizations together, we can cultivate a kinder world where everyone has a neighborhood they can rely on.” Further the site claims “Neighbors around the world turn to Nextdoor daily to receive trusted information, give and get help, get things done,…

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  • Militarizing non-elected government agencies

    Recent news that the IRS was using part of its new influx of $80 Billion given to it by a Democratic-controlled Congress at the request of the Biden Administration to arm IRS agents should send a chill down every American’s back. IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel confirmed at an April 27 Congressional hearing that his agency…

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  • Salt and light

    There is no question we are living in a dark and dying world. Watch the news. Read about what’s happening. Look around. It’s easy to get discouraged. But if you have the light of Christ within you, you are part of a nation of priests, a holy nation, set apart to show the blessings of…

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  • The American Chronicles: Glen the Camp Host

    We loaded up the van with an extra set of camp chairs, some food and headed to Thurmont, Md., to pick up our friends Chris and Ed for a day-trip adventure to Owens Creek Campground in Sabillasville, MD. We drove about 9 miles into the Catoctin State Park and found a small sign pointing to…

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  • The Abort God movement

    The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, makes it a federal crime to use force with the intent to injure, intimidate, and interfere with anyone because that person is a provider of “reproductive health care.” The Biden Administration sent the FBI in full SWAT gear to arrest Catholic activist Mark Houck, pointing guns…

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  • Be encouraged for the Lord is with you

    Have you ever mourned? Did you ever feel down in the spirit? Have you been humbled? Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness? Have you ever shown mercy? Do you have a pure heart? Have you ever made peace among your friends and family? Do you feel persecuted because of your stand for what’s right?…

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  • The American Chronicles: The Pink Cadillac 

    It’s October and the leaves are starting to change as we travel down Interstate 81 toward Natural Bridge, Va. The plan was to arrive early at the campground, set up camp and explore. That, however, was thwarted by a terrible wreck that had traffic stopped and backed up for several miles. We sat for over…

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  • Democracy Hypocrisy

    The simple definition of democracy is majority rule. Nowadays it appears those most ardently demanding democracy are cross-ways of the majority and on the slippery slope of tyranny. A most recent example is the trans craze. One would think that everybody is rushing out to get their children’s sex changed. There are biologically born men…

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  • Stupidocrisy: Inflation is under control

    If you have bought fuel or groceries lately, you probably have noticed that the Biden Administration propaganda about reducing inflation is nothing more than a shell game trying to get you to believe that inflation is not as bad as your wallet says it is. The Biden Administration, and the lapdog news media for that…

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  • The hostile environment toward religion in America 

    Religious freedom is a cornerstone to both physical and spiritual liberty as spiritual bondage leads to physical bondage. The current administration’s disposition toward religious freedom is creating an atmosphere of antagonism and persecution against people of the Jewish and Christian faith. From locking down churches during the COVID government mandates to demonizing Christians over Biblical…

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  • Under cover of smoke

    The Democratic Party, America’s socialist party, is pursuing its socialistic tactics by finding ways to use the laws of the nation against its political opposition and unconstitutional unelected government agencies to silence dissent from its destructive agenda. In the months ahead, the Trump trial will suck the air out of the news cycle and Americans…

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  • The Nancy Winchester Story

    In Kingsland, Georgia, about a mile from the Florida line, there is a quaint campground called Country Oaks that brought me back to my childhood. The lodge across from a scenic lake amidst the trees laden with Spanish moss was a tribute to Roy Rogers and Western history. Relics of America-past were parked on the…

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  • The lies and makers of lies

    The White House denied any foreknowledge of the FBI raid on President Trump’s home in August 2022, but new documents reveal that Joe Biden and his staff not only knew about the raid beforehand, but authorized it. According to documents obtained by America First Legal under the Freedom of Information Act, Biden’s White House authorized…

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  • Stupidocrisy: Media say Trump prosecution good for America

    Many leading media outlets have written stories suggesting that democracies routinely prosecute their heads of state and this is good for the democracy, they say. These stories are no less an attempt to shape America’s public opinion that prosecuting President Trump is good for the country. America is a Constitutional Republic where the rule of…

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  • Report: COVID crisis could be just beginning

    For all the fanfare about the government declaring the COVID emergency ended, it may just be beginning in another form. Government, big pharma, and news media collusion resulted in the truth being blocked about the mRNA shots that despite being promoted as safe and effective, were neither. A recent report indicates that the COVID mRNA…

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  • An example of media twisting the truth

    Free speech and freedom of the press is Constitutionally protected as a lynchpin to a society free from tyranny. The press is supposed to be the fourth estate to hold government accountable. But when the press is used, willingly or forcefully, as a mouthpiece for the government, tyranny is not far behind. In today’s America,…

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  • What was the Last Supper?

    As we enter the High Holy Days commemorating the death and resurrection of the Christ that all who believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, it is fitting that we understand exactly what was the “Last Supper.” The traditional Christian concept of the Last Supper is Christ having dinner with his disciples…

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  • Stupidocrisy: Biden’s Trans Day

    Joe Biden has called for March 30 to be “Transgender Day of Visibility.” Oddly enough, it coincides with the Trans Radical Activist Network’s (TRAN) Trans Day of Vengeance on March 31, which was called off because TRANS said it couldn’t safely hold the day of projected violence because of the “flood of raw hatred directed…

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  • Some questions concerning our children

    The Nashville Christian school shooting by a transgender woman identifying as a man has politicians once again calling for more gun control. They refuse to consider the responsibility and character of the person pulling the trigger. The LGBTQ+ community argues vehemently that intolerance and lack of public acceptance causes children questioning their sexuality to attempt…

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  • The Nuclear Option

    In wake of the news that a New York Grand Jury handed down an indictment of President Trump, there is a lot of political maneuvering. Republicans say that the indictment is no less than election interference against Joe Biden’s most serious opponent. It does appear to be a communist-style move to politically assassinate a political…

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  • The Farm Chronicles: Indians in the classroom

    My visit to the Gila River Indian Reservation in 1962 left an impression. As a cowboy, and all things cowboy, that visit was unnerving. Uncle Junior, my Mom’s brother, had made arrangements for us to visit the Indian school there. When I heard that I asked, “they have a school to teach how to be…

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  • Democracy communist style

    Cuba just had its elections. There were 470 candidates endorsed by the communist government. There were only 470 candidates on the ballot and voters were “encouraged” to turn out and vote for just the communist ballot. Of course, the communists won the election. Democracy, communist style. NBC News reports: “Cuban government officials say over 75%…

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  • Stupidocrisy: Using God to justify child mutilation

    There are a lot of bad things going on in this world. It is difficult to even fathom mankind’s cruelty to each other. The trend toward everything transgender in the United States is among the cruelest. To think that politicians would advocate for and even legalize the sexual mutilation of minor children is beyond good…

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  • Experts divided on sharp decrease in US life expectancy 

    National Public Radio carried a story March 25 saying that life expectancy in the United States is declining at an alarming rate compared to other “wealthy” countries. Researchers for the Journal of the American Medical Association, the National Academy of Science, funded by the National Institutes of Health are all decrying how the US life…

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  • Speaking and listening as leaders in Christ

    The banking crisis, the energy crisis, the inflation crisis, the fight over sanctioned molestation and sexual abuse of our children in public schools, China, Russia, Ukraine, the Middle East are all examples of how a society is undermined because the side in control lacks common sense and refuses to listen to alternative solutions. At some…

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  • The American Chronicles: A new ancient path

    Part of life on the road is finding a good place to camp. We have found Harvest Hosts, a membership of churches, wineries and farms, a suitable way to meet interesting people at little or no cost. The concept behind Harvest Hosts is you stay free, but they ask that you spend at least $20…

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  • Unpacking indictment week

    Less than a week ago former president Donald Trump sounded the alarm that a New York City Grand Jury would indict him for violating federal law (a felony) by violating a local law (a misdemeanor). The dramatic chess game that has played out since has exposed the lengths the Democratic Party will go to prevent…

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  • Stupidocrisy: World Court arrest warrants

    On Friday, March 17, a very serious and somber Piotr Hofmanski, president of the International Criminal Court (ICC) publicly announced that the ICC has issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin for “alleged war crimes of deportation of children from Ukrainian occupied territories into the Russian Federation.” The ICC states in a release…

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  • Tanking the banks on purpose?

    Globalists have long promoted the idea of a central bank with a central world currency. These bank failures of recent may be part of their overall plan. When banks fail, governments or other banks come along-side them to ensure that their depositors are protected. Consolidation and control is usually the result. While the bailed-out bank…

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  • To prevail with grace, wisdom and action

    In June 2009, then President Obama said, “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation—at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.” At the time, the Christian population in the United States was estimated at…

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  • When might doesn’t make right

    When governments get too big and too powerful, the rights of citizens suffer. Every society in history has seen it and America is no exception. The government of the people, for the people and by the people is turning into a government of the government, for the government and by the ruling elite. Technology and…

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  • Stupidocracy: Biden and sin

    Isaiah 5:20 says, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Woe to Joe. Joe Biden thinks it’s sin to prevent minor children from changing their sex. In response to a question from Harold &…

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  • Of child sexual abuse and the Catholic Church

    The Archdiocese of Baltimore is urging its Roman Catholic congregants to oppose two bills “currently before the Maryland General Assembly that would remove the statute of limitations on civil claims for future incidents of child sexual abuse and retroactively revive claims that are currently time-barred, no matter how long ago the alleged abuse occurred.” In…

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  • Gabriel’s Vision of Revelation

    Around the year 2000 a Bedouin man found a three-foot stone tablet in the Dead Sea area that many scholars believe foretells the death and resurrection of the Messiah. Known as Gabriel’s Vision of Revelation, the words inked instead of carved on the tablet appear to refer to the Messiah rising three days after his…

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  • The Farm Chronicles: Floorboard holes and mailboxes

    Gran’pa Billy, my dad’s dad, was born in 1889 and died just short of his 97th birthday. He was 65 years old when I was born, so I never knew him as a younger man. But he was quite the character. Standing all about 4’10”, chewing Happy Jim tobacco and smoking Camel no-filters, Gran’pa saw…

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  • Of evil leaders and hapless victims

    Communism and socialism are about control and wealth redistribution. There are leaders and there are victims. While the leaders of these systems always say they are upholding the rights of the minorities and marginalized (the victims), what they are really doing is robbing the victims blind and enslaving them. The goal is to make these…

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  • Stupidocrisy: Many lies and a truth

    How many lies can be told by the government, news media, and big business? Let me count the lies. Really, there is no end to them. Reaching back to the Obama years, the lies that the government has pushed on the American people, and the news media, as the fourth estate, has supported these lies,…

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  • Can I have a light?

    Looking at the headlines in the daily news, on television and radio, it takes no effort to see that the world we live in is a very dark place, getting darker by the minute. The COVID oppressions, government spying on citizens, the lies peddled every day as truth, the denial of truth as lies, the…

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  • The endurance of the saints

    No matter what news site you look at, or what paper you read, or what news program you watch or listen to, you are constantly bombarded with bad news about the economy. It’s nothing new. In January of 2009, The World Economic Forum became confrontational as union leaders said they had no confidence in the…

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  • The Farm Chronicles: The Long Way Home

    In 1962, when I was seven years old, my parents, along with their lifelong friends Warren and Sue McCarthy and their son Bill and daughter Cathy, planned an 8,000 mile trip touring all the states West of the Mississippi River. Dad and I spent most of the winter months building a camper on our flat-bed…

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  • WHO’s your daddy?

    If there ever was an example of what not to do to save lives, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) dictums on COVID prevention and treatment is the poster child. So-called “vaccines” that didn’t work, mandated hospital protocols that killed more people than they saved, quarantining healthy people for the first time in history all point…

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  • Stupidocrisy: Lies and makers of lies

    Shocker alert! In a FOX News interview Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray publicly confirmed what many have been saying for three years and the federal government has been denying—that the COVID virus likely originated from a lab in Wuhan, China. Moreover, he admitted in so many words that the virus responsible for the deaths of…

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  • Your gas stove and your freedom

    In September, California’s clean air agency approved a proposal to ban new natural gas-fueled furnaces and water heaters in homes by 2030. Now, the Biden Administration is getting into the act. On February 1, the Department of Energy, under the auspices of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, sought comments on a proposal to ban…

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  • Press In

    There are many events taking place around us that would be frightening in of themselves—the devastating hurricanes and earthquakes; the threat of terrorism; political disruption; the threat of nuclear war with Islam—just to name a few. Some of this uncertainty has prompted many to ask the age old question, “Does God have a plan for…

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  • The Farm Chronicles: Convertibles

    Somebody pulled up in the driveway. I didn’t go out and see who it was right away. Had some chores in the barn, probably cleaning stalls. I came out into the barnyard and through the glow of the afternoon sun, there was an image I never thought possible to be sitting in our driveway. I…

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  • Wars and Rumors of World War III

    COVID served as a forerunner to just how governments, private industry and the media around the world can coordinate to shut down entire countries, control movement of people and suspend citizen rights using fear and intimidation. Now world leaders seem bent of taking yet another step toward the end times by promoting World War III.…

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  • Stupidocrisy: The narrative

    The narrative is how propagandists cause people to believe only what they want to believe. Fear pornography and censorship of opposition is used to get people to do what the government wants. And that has been the case with the COVID narrative. As more studies emerge, even the most believing of all things COVID, have…

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  • The Revivals

    Many have been asking my opinion of the revivals that have been taking place on college campuses. Some have expressed skepticism. Others great hope. First, I would say that any movement of God is a great thing. These movements usually start out small and grow or die. Sometimes they grow, especially when “religious” leaders get…

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  • A time of reflection on God and Country

    As America reflects on President’s Day and where we are as a nation, it is sad that true Americans are vilified by a popular political “party,” and anything standing on ethics, morals and traditional values is ridiculed, mocked and frowned upon. This is a contradiction to the ideal of America. Those who first came to…

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  • The Farm Chronicles: Wooden shoes and friendship

    It was the spring of 1967 and the grass at the farm was starting to green up. There were still gentle winds blowing through the Northeastern Ohio woods and fields, but they were warmer winds. Summer was on its way, brief as it would be. My buddy, Sonny, and I had made our first few…

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  • Update on Vaccination Codes

    I nternational Classification of Disease Codes (ICD) required by the Centers for Disease Control are the government’s gateway to monitoring and controlling your life. These codes have been modified and are treating the unvaccinated as if they are a hazardous medical exposure, according to Dr. Harvey Risch, professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School…

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  • Stupidocrisy: Sources with knowledge of the situation

    Americans are being overwhelmed with falsehood. Everywhere you turn, you have to question the source in order to determine whether there is truth in what is being reported. In the political business there is an old saying, “A little bit of truth makes a better lie.” It’s certainly true in today’s society. Whenever you read…

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  • A balloonathon

    The Biden Administration, under the leader of the Commander in Chief, allowed a known Communist Chinese spy balloon to track its way across the United States for several days without taking action. Biden himself ordered the balloon shot down on February 1, but a defense official overruled him because of “safety concerns.” Then Biden’s boys…

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  • The 55 Thousand

    In Matthew 14 is the story of how Christ took five loaves of bread and two fishes and miraculously fed over 5,000 people. Verses 14-21 say, “And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and broke,…

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  • The Farm Chronicles: A Super Bowl memory

    Growing up on the farm, we were not only farmers, but also sports fans. Late winter and early spring, it was basketball. Often, I could be found on my stomach in the living room using the electric antenna rotator to get the very best UHF channel for the Boston Celtics game. Usually had to watch…

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  • Never again

    When the Nazis conducted human experiments on Jews and executed them at will, the world said “Never Again.” Never again would the world let this happen. And countries agreed to measures to prevent such a holocaust and destruction. Now there is a documentary titled “Never Again” where holocaust survivors and their children and grandchildren are…

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  • Stupidocrisy: Health care agendas

    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is investigating the over-the-counter eyecare product EzriCare Artificial Tears and is recommending it be discontinued immediately until the investigation is completed. CDC said in a January 20 notice, “Patient outcomes include permanent vision loss resulting from ocular infection, hospitalization, and death of one patient with bloodstream infection… CDC recommends…

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  • China balloons and a compromised president

    In January of 2020, J.R. Nyquist, co-author of “The New Tactics of Global War,” wrote a column for Epoch Times about a speech by a retiring Chinese Defense Minister some 20 years ago that promoted Chinese policy using biological weapons against the America. General Chi Haotian said that the United States not only blocks China’s…

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  • Red balloons go by

    The controversy over the Chinese spy balloons has reduced itself to a Democrat mob pointing fingers at former president Trump, saying the spy balloons were over the US when he was president. Trump denies it and said that if there were any Chinese spy balloons flying over, he would have shot them down immediately—not waiting…

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  • The Farm Chronicles: Kinda stuck with me

    Growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, TV westerns were the main indoor entertainment. My imagination would go wild watching these programs and acting them out in my own way on our 100-acre farm. One of my many “must see” shows was The Rifleman, starring Chuck Conners as Lucas McCain and Johnny Crawford as his…

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  • The US Government and the end of COVID

    Joe Biden says he intends to declare an end to the COVID national and public health emergencies on May 11. The notice was made January 30 in a Statement of Policy to House Republicans who are considering legislation to bring a more immediate end to the COVID emergencies. The statement noted: “To be clear, continuation…

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  • Stupidocrisy: The Howard Dean scream

    It’s like a voice from the deep dark past of the annals of political history. Former Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean is back in the news. In 2005, Dean continuously pounded George W. Bush, Republicans and “white Christians” for not defending or protecting America. Of course, that was during the “war on terror,” translated “Islamic…

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  • The sound of the electric car backfire

    Like so many things the Biden Administration has done, its theory that electric vehicles are cheaper to operate ran out of juice as prices at the pump stabilized last quarter. Now, according to a study by the Anderson Economic Group, internal combustion Engine cars are once again more economical to fuel than their Electric Vehicle…

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  • Some things never change

    In May 2006—nearly 17 years ago—this is what I wrote in The Daily Jot: “Our nation is in trouble. Now that seems like an obvious statement, but even in its blatancy Americans seem more than willing to allow somebody else to deal with the situation. People point to the gas prices at the pumps and…

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  • The Farm Chronicles: Indian reservation

    My Dad always said that the Indians got a raw deal. He was right. But it was difficult to really understand what he meant when as a kid, my image of the American Indian was seen through the lens of the many television westerns. Attack after attack of those ruthless savages on wagon trains, settlers’…

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  • The global Beast’s moral imperative

    The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland emphasized the “moral imperative” of enacting it’s “collective” (translated: communist) agenda in the areas of climate control, health equity, education, food equity, the metaverse, artificial intelligence and more. This implies that if the 52 heads of state and 2,700 other captains of business, media and…

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  • Stupidocrisy: blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

    In recent years it started with Hillary Clinton having classified emails on a server in her bedroom closet. Then came Donald Trump having classified documents at his home in Florida. Then it was Joe Biden having classified documents since he was Vice President sitting behind his corvette in his home’s garage. Now it’s former Vice…

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  • How to resist the WEF

    A communist utopia with China as the model—this appears to be the unspoken goal of the World Economic Forum as it touts “collective” action on ambiguous areas such as climate control, health equity, finances, mobility, energy, food, education, and technology. These areas affect each of our lives and the WEF cabal intends to control us…

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  • The WEF health collective

    One of the main areas that the World Economic Forum (WEF) focused on during its recent annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland was what they call health equity. Justifying a call for worldwide socialized medicine, WEF posted on its website: “Health inequities–gaps between the health of different groups–have long characterized global health. The persistence of these…

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  • The Farm Chronicles—Captain Penny and Jungle Larry

    My childhood on the farm in Ohio was quite blessed with many different adventures that involved a lot of animals and even more imagination. One of the staples of my week was a television show out of Cleveland on WEWS called Captain Penny. From 1955 to 1971, Ron Penfound was Captain Penny and he hosted…

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  • How the WEF made doctors into a social credit spies

    The World Economic Forum (WEF), holding its annual meeting this week, has turned many doctors into unwitting social credit spies by recording information about you that will impact your personal freedom. The WEF is in “collective cooperation” with the World Health Organization (WHO), which sets the mandated standards for healthcare treatment, as recently witnessed by…

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  • Stupidocrisy: The Washington shell game

    If you are a moral person, there are some things happening in Washington, DC lately that might give you some hope. The Republican-led House of Representatives voted that protects babies who survive abortion and condemns violence against pro-life charities and churches. The House also voted to repeal the addition of 85,000 Internal Revenue Service agents…

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  • World Economic Forum Beast Metaverse Rising

    Day two of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos meeting is underway with The Global Collaboration Village, “the first global, purpose-driven metaverse platform” and “the beginning of a transformative technological development to support global progress.” In partnership with Accenture and Microsoft, WEF is launching the prototype at this annual meeting. WEF hails this virtual reality…

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  • World Economic Forum kicks off

    One of the most dangerous movements against life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of the modern era is kicking off its meetings in Davos, Switzerland—The World Economic Forum. The WEF says, “Under the theme of ‘Cooperation in a Fragmented World’, we’ll look at how we can tackle the numerous and interlinked challenges the world is…

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  • The Farm Chronicles: Grapes of Wrath

    When I was about six or seven years old, Mom and her sister Aunt Dorie were given a very rare antique oil lamp for safekeeping. It was their mother’s lamp, handed down from her parents, circa 1860s. Mom and Aunt Dorie were to keep this precious parlor lamp by rotating it between them, both enjoying…

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  • The spiritual struggle over Washington politics

    The news media and Democratic Party had a hey day ridiculing Republicans over their endless ballots in deciding who would be Speaker of the House. They were mocking the seemingly indecisive Republicans, suggesting that they were leaderless, a reflection on former president Trump, a deep rift in the party, didn’t know how to govern. What…

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  • Stupidocrisy: Biden’s ban on gas stoves

    I’ve just read several stories that rank among the highest in stupidity of modern man. In September, California’s clean air agency approved a proposal to ban new natural gas-fueled furnaces and water heaters in homes by 2030. The final vote won’t take place until 2025, but the stage is set. Now the Feds are jumping…

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  • CDC analysis identifies dangers of COVID vaccines

    The Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) analysis of the Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccines conducted by the Centers for Disease Control indicates literally hundreds of safety signals linked to the vaccines, including twice the proportion of adverse events and seven times that of death when compared with other vaccines. Notwithstanding, the same CDC continues to push…

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  • Power of prayer

    In challenging times, many Christians often quote the Old Testament verse found in 2 Chronicles 7:!4, where the Lord says “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin,…

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  • The Farm Chronicles: Bringing the outhouse in-house

    The Farm in Northeastern Ohio was handed down from generation to generation of Wilsons beginning around 1818. It took a rugged bunch to carve out a working farm in what was then the western part of this new nation. Cold and snow filled winters, low land, Indians, the lack of infrastructure were all elements of…

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  • Renewing of the most important relationship

    Joe Biden and Congress handed Americans an insurmountable debt with the new $1.7 Trillion budget. National debt has now topped a record $31.4 Trillion–that’s about $94,133 for every United States citizen. Even more sobering the taxpayer share of this debt is $246,866. That’s not even counting the budget burden Congress and Biden have recently placed…

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