The Daily Jot

WHO Decides

The World Health Organization (WHO) has joined Joe Biden in declaring an end to the COVID 19 pandemic. WHO has closed a chapter in one of the worst managed pandemics in world history where mandated treatments arguably resulted in more deaths than COVID would have caused without them. Effective treatments were forbidden. Doctors were censored and lost their jobs, Big pharma made billions with unproven, unsafe and ineffective vaccines. Government and business advanced propaganda vilifying anyone who refused the vaccines, and today refuse to admit that vaccine side effects are greater than any and all vaccines combined. WHO made this mess that will last generations.

The fifteenth meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) Emergency Committee regarding the coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) pandemic, was held on Thursday 4 May 2023. It was at that meeting that WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus concurred “with the advice offered by the Committee regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. He determines that COVID-19 is now an established and ongoing health issue which no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).” That’s the obvious good news. The bad news in the same WHO announcement is that Ghebreyesus is going to convene the International Health Regulations Review Committee to advise on recommendations for the long-term management of the virus.

The two-year WHO strategic preparedness and response plan is titled “From Emergency Response to Long-Term COVID-19 Disease Management: Sustaining gains made during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” In the forward to the plan, Ghebreyesus writes: “In the wake of so much loss and disruption we must now restore, reinforce and strengthen health systems– which have been devastated –while sustaining the gains made during the pandemic. We must also continue to integrate COVID-19 surveillance and management into that for other respiratory diseases. WHO will continue supporting Member States as they make these adjustments.” Key words are “reinforce and strengthen health systems,” “integrate COVID-19 surveillance,” and “continue supporting Member States.” Given what the United States went through under WHO directives, no life is safe.

When considering strengthening health systems, the Centers for Disease Control and WHO guidance mandated remdesivir and ventilator treatments with high death rates. They monitored whether you took the vaccine, and to control where you could go, what you could buy, and who you could see if you were unvaccinated. This “surveillance” was oppressive and tyrannical. The idea that WHO would continue to support member states by issuing more mandates and surveillance, and that America’s CDC would submit to it, is frightening. Their power is suffocating—quarantining healthy people, locking down entire nations. As like in Ezekiel 22:27, WHO’s “princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain.” WHO cannot be allowed to decide your health for you. Resist.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

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