mRNA COVID Shots: Excess Deaths and Transmissible Toxicity in Vaxxed Blood

Excess deaths following the mRNA COVID shots continue to rise worldwide.  Former Judge and member of European Parliament @mislavkolakusic presents shocking statistics coming from Europe after Covid Vaccine roll-out. As we have seen in the United States, Canada, Australia, all cause mortality is skyrocketing in highly vaccinated countries.  Here is recent data from Europe:

  • Croatia 🇭🇷 14.6%
  • Italy 🇮🇹 24.9%
  • Portugal 🇵🇹 28.8%
  • Greece 🇬🇷 31.2%
  • Spain 🇪🇸 36.9%
  • Iceland 🇮🇸 55.8%

In contrast, the countries with the lowest COVID vaccination rates barely have ANY deaths at all, much less such increases in excess deaths. Two examples:

Romania 🇷🇴 2.4% and Bulgaria 🇧🇬 1.4%

Clearly there is a direct correlation between higher rates of COVID vaccination and higher rates of excess deaths!  America and the world, we cannot afford to keep ignoring these statistics.

UK veterinarian Roger Meacock MRCVS discusses the medical publication Intracerebral Hemorrhage Among Blood Donors and Their Transfusion Recipients published in September 2023. The data in this recent medical paper comes from pre-COVID records regarding the retrospective analysis of the incidence of a stroke in blood recipients years after receiving blood relative to the incidence of a stroke in their donor, years after giving blood. There were just under 760,000 Swedish records and 330,000 Danish records checked.

Recipients who received blood from donors who subsequently had a stroke were 2-3 times more likely to have a stroke compared with the incidence of a stroke in blood recipients from donors with no subsequent stroke. The implication is that something in the donors’ blood that was passed in a transfusion went on to initiate a stroke in both the donor and the recipient in later life.  Given that cerebral amyloid angiopathy is a common cause of stroke it has been suggested that this transmissible element may be amyloid, or perhaps prions. Full article available here:

When we consider current evidence that both spike protein and mRNA are still found in the body for a prolonged period following COVID illness or COVID mRNA injections (weeks and months for certain, possibly years), the findings from pre-COVID stroke data have massive implications for those receiving blood transfusions from donors who have either had SARS-CoV-2 and/or the mRNA jabs. There is a 2-week post-COVID jab obligatory wait in the UK before donating blood, but clearly this is far from sufficient given that mRNA and spike protein are much more long-lasting in the bloodstream than first claimed.

Because blood donors in the US and UK are not being screened for COVID-vax status, we have no solid data to show how long spike protein stays in the body and nothing definitive is known about the risks of transfusion or transplantation. Because the mRNA jabs are so unpredictable, like a shotgun, then there is no way of telling what organs are affected or even what dose a person has received Therefore, we have no way to know how much another person might receive in a transfusion or transplant.

Clearly, for the health and safety of recipients of donated blood, ALL blood banks should be screen and recording the vaccine status of all donors, since donated blood could be the vector for transmissible spike protein, mRNA, DNA, and/or prion activity harmful to recipients of that donor blood.

Spike protein from SARS-CoV2 is known to be prionogenic and can increase amyloid mis-folding, and both mRNA and spike protein have been detected in the body many months after infection and “vaccination.” This means there are important longer-term consequences for those receiving blood transfusions from donors who have either had SARS-CoV-2 and/or the mRNA COVID gene therapy jabs.

This is a serious health risk.  Swedish researcher Professor Per Hammarström and Dr Sofie Nyström have shown a direct link between the spike protein and seeding of amyloid/prion forms of protein that contribute to diseases such as Alzheimers/dementia, Creutzfeld-Jacob rapidly progressing dementia, Parkinson’s, and other neurodegenerative disorders, including Lewey Body dementia.  Additional references are included below.

If the mRNA/DNA from any of the COVID jabs has been incorporated into the recipient’s genome such that spike protein is produced in an ongoing fashion then these COVID-vaccinated people should not be giving blood ever. 

Given the potential for the spike protein to also initiate autoimmunity, is this risk similarly transferred by a transfusion? This critical question is NOT being investigated, which is a serious safety violation.

In addition, there is not been any investigation to determine how long the toxic inflammatory lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) survive in the body. Since about 70% of the population are known to be allergic to PEG, it is possible that a blood transfusion may include LNPs in sufficient numbers to cause an allergic or even worse, an anaphylactic reaction.

There are concerns that the whole mRNA platform is potentially generating damaging prions, there are identical implications for all future mRNA/DNA “vaccines.”

Our position is that all donors and blood donated should be screened, and no blood should be accepted by a blood bank if either spike protein or mRNA is detected. 

The Whistleblower International team then discussed the catastrophic decline in Birth Rates in the highly vaccinated Western countries, far below the birth rates needed to sustain our population. Sweden in 2023 their reported their lowest birth rate in the last for 50 years.  Yet officials still do not draw a connection to the novel mRNA jabs. 

This report comes 10 months after we reported that the ‘The Link Between the Massive Drop in Birth Rates and mRNA Vaccines is Undeniable’

Mistakes were not made! The toxicity of many aspects of the mRNA “vaccine” platform have been known for at least 20 years in animal and in human testing. Our international team of physicians and scientists stand by our consensus opinion that the COVID shots are toxic by design, as part of a long-planned “culling” (killing) of billions of people worldwide.


Viruses and amyloids – a vicious liaison
Hammarström P, Nyström S.
Prion. 2023 Dec;17(1):82-104. doi: 10.1080/19336896.2023.2194212.
PMID: 36998202

Amyloidogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
Nyström S, Hammarström P.
J Am Chem Soc. 2022 May 25;144(20):8945-8950. doi: 10.1021/jacs.2c03925. Epub 2022 May 17.
PMID: 35579205 
Amyloidogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein.

Neurotoxic amyloidogenic peptides in the proteome of SARS-COV2: potential implications for neurological symptoms in COVID-19  And many others! 

Prof. Gengfu Xiao, who was lead author on the SARS-CoV2 identification paper, has a long history of prion research

How Amazon Will Lead the NWO – Primary Care Offered Now.  Will Amazon now have all your personal shopping and preference data as well as your medical records?

For more information go to Truth for Health Foundation website Download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, check our medical and legal resources for help, sign up for newsletter alerts and join in the fight for medical freedom on all fronts. 

Our new Truth for Health Foundation store is OPEN FOR BUSINESS at Don’t miss our exciting new products TruMitocondrial™ Boost and TruImmunoglobulin Plus™ to improve energy with improved cellular oxygenation, improve mitochondrial function, and boost the immune system, especially for those who may have had COVID or taken one or more COVID shots.  All of our exclusive professional formulations of nutraceuticals, vitamins, minerals, and specialty formulations are manufactured in a certified Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) facility and are carefully vetted by Dr. Vliet to support overall health and resilience.  

Your generosity keeps us in the fight for Truth. We still have major battles to defend our freedom on all fronts, especially for our military who are needing legal defense support. Your contributions will greatly help us support more military families and launch the new year from a position of strength.

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Mike Yeadon, PhD immunologist and former Pfizer Chief Scientist worldwide for respiratory pharmacology and product development speaks from a thirty-year career in pharmacological research and development, new product development, and as a Bio-tech entrepreneur. He has been a courageous Whistleblower since fall of 2020, warning about the damage to pregnancy development as a result of the spike protein, similarity to a critical placental protein, and lipid nanoparticle damage to the ovaries and testicles. He is also Chief Scientific Advisor for Truth for Health Foundation and an expert witness on damage from the COVID gene therapy  injections. His warnings two years ago are clearing being played out in the damage to people we are seeing now.  He brings a global perspective to the vaccine injuries, and overall agenda with the COVID shots.

Jonathan Gilthorpe PhD is an Associate Professor in Cell and Molecular Biology who graduated with First Class Honors in Microbiology from the University Leeds, U.K. His career path has been decidedly tangential rather than vertical – driven largely by his interest in, well – almost anything and everything! Jonathan’s first research experience in Virology at Leeds University led him towards a postgraduate degree in gene regulation during embryonic development, graduating with a Ph.D. in Anatomy from the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill/University College London, U.K. Based on a love and aptitude for research and an affinity for free thinking, Jonathan gravitated towards a long postdoctoral period at the MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, Guy’s Hospital, King’s College London working on the development of brain regions in chicken and zebrafish and driving a Caterham 7. He has worked extensively with different types of viruses as research tools and has a deep understanding of molecular and cell biology. A chance meeting at a conference in Keystone, Colorado led Jonathan to a sabbatical period at Stanford University, U.S., where he developed his expertise in neurobiology/neuroscince and advanced microscopy. After returning to London in 2003 and moving to Sweden in 2008, driven largely by occupational allergies to animal models that he worked with, he shifted his research focus towards the molecular mechanisms of human neurodegenerative disease. He lives and works in Sweden, is only allergic to certain humans, and has been a member of the Swedish non-profit organization The Physicians Appeal (Läkaruppropet) since 2021.  His publications and other resources can be found on the website which is linked to his Rumble Channel.

Andrija Klarić: Croatian businessman, radio and TV host, and medical freedom activist who has been digging into the very heart of the fraudulent practices that went on in the manufacturing and distribution supply chains for the experimental COVID-19 ijections, and has been exposing the failures of the Croatian regulatory body HALMED to exercise due diligence and properly oversee the safety of the SARS-CoV-2 injections in Croatia, as well as expose similar failures on the part of the European Medicines Agency (EMA).  Andrija Klarić is the host of “SLOBODNI (which means FREE in Croatian) on Z1 Television which deals with various globally/world important and current topics, in conversation with numerous activists and experts from all over the world.  You can follow Andrija’s work on his social media platforms Rumble, Telegram, Twitter, Instagram, and others at these links:

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