Originally Published on America Out Loud
There is currently a flagrant double standard taking place in the military across all branches. Service members are accused of Article 92 violations and separated from the service — if they refuse the experimental COVID shot. Yet military commanders at every level are guilty of Article 92 violations by ordering those under their command to take an experimental EUA product, which is the only type of “COVID vaccine” currently available on any military installation.
In the Army, the violations are even more egregious than in other service branches because the US Army issued orders to all Army commanders in the Fragmentary Order (FRAGO) number 5 to the Headquarters Department of the Army COVID Operation Order on 4 September 2021 that states: “Commanders will ensure sufficient doses of Department of Defense approved vaccines are on hand and available for their unit.” The order for COVID vaccines is clear. To this date, however, six months after it was issued, commanders are still in violation of this order when they fail to check and ensure that “approved” vaccines are on hand.
In effect, all Army commanders whatever their rank were specifically ordered in FRAGO number 5 to ensure that the vaccines available for their troops were FDA-approved. Furthermore, the Secretary of Defense himself told every servicemember in his Aug 24, 2021, memo that the only vaccines for use will “receive full licensure from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in accordance with FDA-approved labeling and guidance.”
To date, however, there are no FDA-approved fully licensed vaccines available to the military on any military installation in the US or overseas. The only FDA-approved COVID vaccine is Comirnaty™ which is not available in the United States, especially not to the military. Army medical facilities cannot even order the “approved” product since it is not even a selection in the Army medical ordering system.
The Department of Defense (DoD) knows that there are no FDA-approved COVID vaccines possible to be ordered in the military system. Yet, service members are still being punished for refusing vaccines that are not FDA-approved, but only available under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).
In a recent interview with an Army officer, who must remain anonymous due to threats of persecution, arrest, and court-martial. I was shocked to learn how widespread are the command level Article 92 violations in the Army as the leaders double down on the Department of Defense mandate for all service members to receive the COVID shots, even though all of the shots available are still under EUA only.
This lack of regard for service members is a clear departure from safeguarding the general welfare of those under their command. Army Command Policy as outlined in Army Regulation 600-20. This regulation is backed by U.S. law and details the many aspects of how commanders in the Army must run their command. Chapter 1 reads: “Requirement of exemplary conduct (Section 7233, Title 10, U.S. Code). All commanding officers and others in authority in the Army are required…to take all necessary and proper measures, under the laws, regulations, and customs of the Army to promote and safeguard the moral the physical well-being, and the general welfare of the officers and enlisted persons under their command or charge.”
A “military crime” is a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Different types of violations are separated into “articles.”Article 92, “Failure to obey order or regulation,” occurs when a servicemember fails to follow an order or breaks one of the many rules and requirements set forth in the service’s regulations.
By willfully, or through negligence, violating the order they were given, commanders have committed “an offense subject to trial by court-martial.” They unquestioningly committed an Article 92 offense, and they should be removed from command, investigated, and punished for the illegal acts that are affecting our service members.
This widespread violation is not just a legal technicality. Service members are actually dying or being permanently disabled with major medical complications of these experimental COVID shots: heart attacks, strokes, uncontrolled bleeding, myocarditis, pericarditis, pulmonary emboli, neurological impairments including paralysis, autoimmune disorders, cancers, are just part of an 8-page list of adverse events in Pfizer’s clinical trial data presented to the FDA that was recently released on court order when the FDA had tried to hide it for 75 years.
The leak of the DoD military medical database (DMED) at Senator Ron Johnson’s press conference on January 24 shows that the Defense Secretary and the entire upper command of the DoD knew that these COVID shots were damaging our military, which in turn is destroying our military readiness and compromising national security.
Compared with the five years from 2016-2020, here are a few of the staggering increases in just 10 months (Jan-Nov) 2021 for potentially life-threatening medical events after the mandate for all military to receive the COVID shots. Keep in mind, these serious medical conditions are happening in the younger, healthy, fit military-age population which is not normally seeing these later-life conditions. This data is from the DoD’s own medical database (D-MED), which is far more accurate than the highly flawed VAERS run by the CDC:
- Heart attacks (myocardial infarctions) up 269% in 10 months from Jan-Nov 2021.
- Pericarditis (inflammation of the sac around the heart) up 175%
- Myocarditis (inflammation damage to heart muscle) up 285%
- Pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs) up 467%
- Cerebral Infarction (blood clot to brain, or stroke), Bell’s Palsy, multiple sclerosis, immunodeficiencies, ITTP, neoplasms (cancers), and miscarriages – ALL up more than 250%, and some are up more than 350%.
- Disseminated intravascular coagulation, a rare and often fatal, blood clotting disorder that can lead to uncontrollable bleeding, up 175%
- HIV, which typically leads to AIDS, up 590%
- Chest pain up 1,529%
- Dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing, shortness of breath) up 905%
The American public and our military service members deserve honest answers to these questions:
Why would the DoD knowingly continue to harm our military service members?
Is the end game to weaken our military and facilitate the “one-world government” pushed by the current Administration?
Are our military service members – and their families — being used as one vast human experiment without their consent?
The tragedy in the Army, in particular, is that Army commanders did not even have to do hours of deep research on libel laws, FDA regulations, and bio-similarity regulations to conclude that the vaccine mandate is in fact an unlawful order. Any Army commander simply needed to read the actual wording of the easily available DoD order and check their supplies. A simple walk to the medical centers where commanders are ordering their soldiers to receive their injection is all that has been needed to answer the question of whether Comirnaty™, the only FDA-approved COVID vaccine, is available.
The same leaders who are supposed to lead America’s sons and daughters into combat and bring them home could not take 30 minutes of their time to ensure the accuracy and validity of the life-changing orders they were issuing to those under their command.
Military commanders have a duty to ensure that what they are forcing their members to do is in line with lawful orders. Command of America’s sons and daughters is a sacred and important privilege. What will happen to America’s volunteer military, and our national security, if America’s sons and daughters who wish to serve our country cannot trust military leaders to act wisely and honorably to carry out necessary duties to protect those under their command?