Harnessing Your Passion & Energy for Optimal Health

Charles Kovess, known as Australasia’s Passion Provocateur, and Dr. Vliet explore why living with passion overcomes and eliminates your fears, improves your physical, emotional, and spiritual health, and helps you elegantly face and overcome life’s challenges. We describe optimal health based on the Hungarian word meaning “wholeness” and explore how using passion as the focus …

A Health Catastrophe, Dioxin Burning in Ohio and Florida, Could Impact a Third of the Country

Dioxin’s damage to the health of humans and all wildlife has been known for more than 70 years to the US Government, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the US military, and many physicians and scientists. Dioxin is one of the most toxic chemical compounds known, and results from the burning of chemicals such as vinyl …

The Heart of LOVE – Profiles in Love and Courage

February is Heart month, and is the “month of love” marked by Valentine’s Day, celebrating romantic love. English has one word for “love,” and that one word can mean many things, from romantic infatuation, erotic attraction, brotherly love, and spiritual love – but the cultural focus is primarily on romantic love, creating unrealistic expectations and …

Pfizer R&D Director Exposed Manipulation of COVID Virus to Drive Vaccine Profits

Project Veritas has released two chilling undercover videos exposing Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development, Jordon Trishton Walker, describing Pfizer’s plans to ‘mutate” the COVID virus using “Directed Evolution’ – a benign-sounding name for the banned “gain of function” research to make viruses more deadly to people. The end game for the “Directed Evolution,” he …

Technocracy: Tyranny’s Tool for Usurping Liberty

The American people are angrier and angrier about what is happening to our America. Alarmed by the rise of tyranny, loss of medical freedom, invasion of illegals across our borders, alarming deaths and injuries after the COVID shots, skyrocketing costs of food and fuel, children being taught “critical race theory and sexual perversion in schools, …