Shocking Deficiencies in Production of SARS-CoV-2 Injections from Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca

:Pharmacovigilance for the COVID injections has failed globally, and the Pharma companies manufacturing all of the COVID injections have covered up massive deficiencies in quality control and manufacturing procedures that have led to millions of deaths worldwide.  Inside Pharma experts expose this massive malfeasance by Big Pharma and also Britian’s MHRA regulatory agency, which was set up was set up after the Thalidomide tragedy to stop the same thing from ever happening again.  The scale of the latest failure of oversight and safety monitoring for the manufacturing processes and ingredients in the COVID injections dwarfs the damage from Thalidomide failures.

Cheryl Grainger is a self-employed Training Consultant (Pharmaceutical Industry) in the ABPI Code of Practice, The NHS, Anatomy & Physiology, Diseases, Immunology, Micro-organisms, Development of a Drug, Pharmacology, Statistics in Medicine & Clinical Trials. As early as March 2020, she knew everything we were being told was illogical and unscientific and everything she had been trained to teach others within the industry seemed to be ignored. Inspired by the success of a team in the USA that obtained withheld documents on the Pfizer/BioNTech (& Moderna) Covid–19 injection, Ms. Grainger set out on a one-woman mission to follow the same model to obtain the AstraZeneca primary data. 

As Cheryl’s research progressed, she uncovered shocking deficiencies in the production and distribution of the SARS-CoV-2 injections from all three manufacturers – Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca.  In this episode of the INSIDE PHARMA Whistleblower Report, Hedley Rees and Cheryl Grainger describe these deficiencies, and focus on the appalling lack of attention to patient safety at almost every stage of manufacture, from beginning to end.

In the resources included as links for this program, Ms. Grainger has done an analysis and commentary on the two expert reports prepared for the EMA license review by Dr. Vanessa Kruger-Schmidt.


Expert Report on the EMAs Open Assessment Report on the data supplied for license, by Dr Vanessa Kruger-Schmidt.

Expert Report on the EMA’s Open Assessment Report on the data supplied for license, by Dr Vanessa Kruger-Schmidt.


Link to Professor Norman Fenton’s analysis of my FOI response from the MHRA on the Yellow Card Vaccine Monitor information they sent through on ADRs in the whole group and the pregnant cohort:

MHRA: We have all the pregnancy outcome data, but we are not making it public yet”.  The MHRA would not provide the document with the full data.  The objection cited in the FOI response was that they intend to publish this data after peer review. That is the equivalent of not publishing the Yellow Card Reports (or VAERs) because they need to have it peer reviewed first!  Ms. Grainger has now asked for an Internal Review of the FOI Response!

For more information go to Truth for Health Foundation website Download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, check our medical and legal resources for help, sign up for newsletter alerts and join in the fight for medical freedom on all fronts.

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Hedley Rees, based in the United Kingdom. Mr. Rees has been providing consultancy on the development, manufacture and distribution of drugs that are fully compliant with the GMP requirements of 21 CFR Title 21, since 2005 through his company,  PharmaFlow. Prior to that, he spent 16 years in senior roles in Big Pharma (Bayer) and 10 years in biotech (British Biotech, Vernalis and OSI Pharmaceuticals (now Astellas). Mr. Rees also authored Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry: Delivering Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics for Wiley, NJ in 2011.  His expertise is in the area of anything to do with manufacture through the three phases of clinical trials (and preclinical if required) and ongoing distribution of the commercial supply.  Where regulations have been breached, he has a duty to bring this to the attention of regulators, as has been happening with the frozen vials of COVID shots that were shipped only part way finished. 

Hedley joins Truth for Health Foundation Team:

Follow Hedley Rees on his Substack column, INSIDE PHARMA, where he shares all he can to expose the lies and deceptions that are costing lives and jeopardizing public safety. Watch one of his many interviews here:

Read more on Facts about SARS-CoV-2 Injections (aka DNA vaccines) and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs):  Watch Recent interview discussing the violations of manufacturing processes and regulations that are supposed to keep us safe:

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