Captain Bahig Saliba is literally the only currently employed airline pilot in the country whose services as a pilot are still being blocked over the unlawful COVID mandates, even in the face of a pilot shortage at all the major airlines.
Captain Saliba emigrated to the US and began his flying career in 1984 as a flight instructor for fixed-wing and rotorcraft helicopters. He worked for several airlines before finally joining the current airline in 1997, where he has been a Captain at the airline since 2004. He is laser-focused on safety and has an impeccable record as a pilot.
His legal case against the airline is currently in federal court before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and he is prepared to take his lawsuit all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary to hold airline and union officials accountable for failing to follow Federal Aviation Administration regulations that impact pilot operations and overall safety for the flying public.
He clearly explains the legal obligations all pilots have towards the people they carry on the nation’s airplanes, the contractual obligations pilots make with WeThePeople, and how airlines have invaded those contractual rights with COVID mandates and jeopardized air travel safety.
Considering all mandates have been halted, the public health emergency has been ended, and the original vaccines have been deauthorized, isn’t it time to put exemplary professionals back to work and stop the persecution of people standing for the rule of law and overall public safety?
See also Captain Saliba’s prior interview for additional background.
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