Faith Over Fear, Media and Podcasts

FAITH OVER FEAR – 5.9.2023 – Plandemics: What Are They Planning for Your Next Public Health Emergency to Control Your Life

Our speakers:

  • Attorney Reggie Littlejohn
  • Pharma expert Sasha Latypova, and
  • Preventive/Climacteric Medicine physician and CEO, Truth for Health Foundation: Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD

The United States Covid pandemic response by the government, though originally well-intentioned, ultimately turned out to be a gargantuan fraud. Instead of implementing the 2018 National Biodefense Strategy with all the stakeholders at the table, and in a coordinated and collaborative manner, the pandemic response ended up being highly stove-piped and dictated to the military and civilian public by only a few officials who basically ignored all the sound principles put into place in the National Biodefense Strategy Plan.

Our government mandated illegal vaccine-centric solutions in contradiction to a resilient multi-countermeasure pandemic national strategy that had many other medically sound measures as part of an integrated approach designed to enhance the resiliency of the public.

Biden Administration officials — including the Department of Defense, HHS, FDA, and FAA — all knew the COVID mandates for all EUA products — Covid SHOTS, masks, and test kits were blatantly illegal under 21 USC 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III). The illegality of mandates is confirmed explicitly in that law, i.e., the “option to accept or refuse,” and are also supported by 21 CFR 50.25 and the 2005 DoD EUA precedent for anthrax vaccine that was also an illegal mandate eventually overturned by the courts and subsequently led Congress to enact added federal legislation to protect America’s military from future similar abuses — all of which have been ignored in the management of the COVID pandemic and unlawful mandates using EUA products deceptively foisted off the military and civilian public as “approved” for COVID.

The centerpiece of what was done in 2020 was “FDA-approved vaccines” that never existed in the US marketplace. The American people, military and civilians, were hoodwinked in a classic “bait and switch,” being told the COVID shots were “approved,” and then issuing mandates that instead used emergency use authorized (EUA) unapproved investigational medical products in direct violation of the law.

Then when the Biden Administration suddenly announced the pandemic had ended, the administration then surreptitiously rewrote the original national biodefense strategy and removed the governance section, which required all stakeholders to have participated in the plan and included a biodefense steering committee of top officials from multiple agencies. Had this occurred, the illegal mandates using EUA vaccines would have been rejected, since it was never a part of the plan.

Biden officials rewrote the national biodefense strategy in 2022 as the final fraud to try to make the plan resemble the poorly executed response. The government was forced to finally halt the mandates due to the de-authorization of the original vaccines, but without telling the American people any of the truth, and without any apologies for treating their citizens as guinea pigs.

USAF Col (Ret.) Tom Rempfer, USAF Col (Ret.). Jim Zietlow, both military combat pilots with each nearly 30 years of experience, and Lt. Col. Jon Cheek serves in the US Army in the Pentagon as a strategic plans and policy officer, with almost 19 years of active federal service, join Dr. Vliet in exposing the added lies and deceptions perpetrated on the American people that have resulted in catastrophic damage to health, lives, careers, and military readiness and our national security. The extent of the deception and fraud grows more damaging with each new revelation. Listen to that show here on the podcast: Biden’s Gargantuan Fraud on COVID Mandates.

As Col. Zeitlow, Col. Rempfer, and Lt. Col Cheek point out, the COVID shot mandates were invoked in contrast to the pandemic planning that Col. Zeitlow had participated in throughout his career and had never envisioned lockdowns, vaccine mandates, or restrictions on therapies. As Col. Zeitlow said, “I was fortunate to both build and execute a comprehensive pandemic plan for the US military. In 2007, I led the development of the original DOD Global Pandemic Influenza Plan. In 2009, as NORAD USNORTHCOM Command Center Director, we executed that military plan during the H1N1 Pandemic. Our plan focused on sound public health strategies, including multiple medical countermeasures, including known antivirals/early treatment protocols and vaccines when safely tested and fully FDA approved. Our plan relied on a functioning and open society providing support to our military to keep our military operating worldwide. In 2009 we did not mandate masks or vaccinations. We treated our military with antivirals and kept our military operating worldwide with minimal impact.”

Contrast this period to the current 2020 to present Covid Pandemic national response. After the 15 days to Flatten the Curve in March 2020, extensive lockdowns and highly restrictive business and school closures were put in place for many months. Any legitimate antiviral medicine was denied despite standard medical protocols and even with the right to try law in place. Ineffective paper and makeshift cloth masks were mandated. People with Covid symptoms were told to stay home unless they could not breathe. Then they were to report to the Emergency Room for new hospital protocol for possible treatment, including ventilators or even Remdesivir.

In 2021 EUA unapproved Covid-19 vaccines were mandated across the nation that later proved ineffective in stopping transmission or infection. The stark contrast between the early 2000s planning to today’s response is incredible and worth asking questions to prevent response miscues in future pandemics.

The FDA’s phantom approval (licensing) of BioNTech’s shot “Comirnaty” occurred on 23 August 2021. The FDA issued its second phantom approval (licensing) for Moderna’s “Spikevax” in January 2022. At no point since these fraudulent approvals have either manufacturer ever put these licensed shots into the US market. The DoD used the 23 August 2021 “approval” as the justification to then immediately issue mandates to all of its members to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, despite the fact that there were no licensed products available (still aren’t to this day).

The next ruse our public leaders performed was to declare that EUA shots were “Interchangeable” with the unavailable licensed products in another fraudulent and coercive attempt to get Americans to go and get the EUA shots which all have full liability immunity from the Public Health Emergency Declaration via 42 United States Code, Section 247d-6d. US officials and the media then convinced the American public that the FDA “approved the shot, so go get it!” They failed to mention that at no point, Pfizer-BioNTech ever produced the legally licensed shot. Lastly, all other EUA shots should have come out of the market with the introduction of legally approved (licensed) shots being available as per 21 U.S.C. Section 360bbb-3.

So, the FDA should have revoked the EUAs for all Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, Johnson+Johnson, and AstraZeneca shots in the US market. Instead, the FDA continued granting EUAs to additional shot manufacturers (e.g., Novavax) with full liability immunity from injury. The significance of all of this is we were all lied to, bullied, coerced, threatened, and many families suffered tough decisions resulting from a fraudulent effort to get us all to take unlicensed shots with full liability immunity.

America, you have been deceived from the beginning on the entire management of COVID.

To add insult to injury, Attorney Todd Callender and his legal researcher Lisa McGee have documented that most of the top officials in the Biden Administration have defective oaths of office, and their actions are illegal! It is time to stand against this tyranny and hold our officials accountable. Stand up, speak out, and let your elected officials know you will not accept such restrictions on your freedom and assault on your life for any future “pandemic” used to destroy our Constitutional Republic.

For more information on these military issues, go to Truth for Health Foundation website at You can also download our FACT SHEET on Vaccine injury and our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, FACT SHEETS on Marburg and other Hemorrhagic Fever threats, and FACT SHEET on Steps to Take Before Hospitalization to save your life if you are hospitalized. If you have been injured by the COVID shot, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, and check our medical and legal resources for help in many areas of your health.

Your generosity keeps us in the fight for Truth. We still have major battles to defend our freedom on all fronts, especially for our military, who are needing legal defense support. Your contributions will greatly help us support more military families and launch the new year from a position of strength.

Visit Col. Tom Rempfer’s website,, to see all the information on topics discussed today.

BREAKING NEWS REPORTS from our Truth for Health Team:

EVERY FRIDAY at 1:00 PM ET 12 Noon CT 10 AM PT “Ask Dr. Vliet” LIVE Q&A Open to the public on the VAXXCHOICE Clout Hub platform: Listen live at this link and Rumble

COLUMN: Click Here to Read


INTERVIEWS: Caravan to Midnight program

News from our Colleagues ~ MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

EVERY FRIDAY at NOON ET “Truth Be Told” Join the LIVE Q&A with International Attorney Todd Callender and a variety of expert co-hosts focused on today’s urgent topics.  Watch live

EVERY THURSDAY at 1:00 PM ET “A-Z Guide to Disability Rights” LIVE Q&A with Certified ADA Advocate, Jay V. Shore and Chris Pazzula, J.D., Administrative Law Specialist. Hosted by Disabled Rights Advocates.  Watch and participate LIVE on CloutHub:

EVERY WEDNESDAY at 8:30 AM ET “A Time of Prayer and Encouragement” LIVE discussion. Led by FAA Whistleblower, Bruce McGray Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power. Psalm 110:3  Join at or

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT! from our Truth for Health Team:

False Oaths, Stolen Freedom  Fraudulently installed U.S. Cabinet members and heads of critical government agencies have led to the destruction of the rule of law on all fronts. Stolen elections since 2008 have had dire consequences for the survival of our Constitutional Republic and our core freedoms. Today we discuss a new threat just revealed in a court case from Todd Callender, Esq, and his legal team: This stunning court case called a writ of quo warranto, seeks to invalidate the currently serving heads of our major government agencies and even Vice President Kamala Harris, based on the clear legal fact that they do not have a valid oath of office and, therefore no authority under the law to implement the draconian measures they have undertaken to destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America. This is an urgent show that we need all of you to help share widely.

FOR BREAKING NEWS!  Tune in to The Whistleblower Report from Truth for Health Foundation’s Truth Team every Mon-Fri on demand at, our CloutHub and Rumble channels, and at 12 N and 12 MN ET on America Out Loud Talk Radio, and iHeart Radio.

Latest from The Truth for Health Team: Don’t forget to visit the TFH Website.  Click on Medical and Legal Help tab on home page. We have posted several new educational handouts. Please share with your friends and neighbors our resources:  Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, COVID Early Treatment Guide, and all our other FACT SHEETS and videos, podcasts at  Sign up to receive our alerts, participate in our seminars, and join our crusade for freedom!

Your generosity keeps us in the fight for Truth. We still have major battles to defend our freedom on all fronts, especially for our military who are needing legal defense support. Your contributions will greatly help us support more military families and launch the new year from a position of strength.

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