Vaccine, Vaccine News

12,383 Reasons (to date) Why I will not be Inoculated

August 16, 2021
Father Peter Heers (Orthodox Christian priest)
(~ 40 min, YouTube)

Join Fr. Peter Heers, Orthodox Christian priest, author, speaker, translator & publisher from his Greek mountain village as he explores the distinguishing characteristic of being a Christian:
The Orthodox Ethos.


“In this presentation I, an Orthodox Christian Priest and Professor of Theology, will be presenting the reasons why I will not be Inoculated with the Experimental Genetically manipulated solutions for a v– which has a 99.7% survival rate – if you contract it…

If you want to see all 12,383 reasons against inoculation you will need to remain until the end of the podcast.

For months now people have written me and asked me to produce a podcast on the inoculations and to share why it is that I will not be receiving any of them. Undoubtedly there is much – very much – one can say from many perspectives. So as not to repeat what has been well-stated elsewhere, I will direct you to a few posts below in the description which are noteworthy. I will focus, rather, on those reasons which are perhaps unique to the Orthodox Christian outlook and have not been stressed much to date. . .


Some helpful links:

For testimonies of the Holy Elders:

Synodal Statements and Medical Studies on the Inoculations:…

“St. Paisios: If you receive the ‘inoculation’ you will be marked”:

The chemical injections and delusions of the Antichrist:

Orthodox Case for Exemptions:…

Adverse Reactions Prove Inoculations are Dangerous…

18 Reasons Why I won’t be getting the Inoculation:…

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