by Stephen Sammut PHD This video seeks to address the reality of crowd behavior/mass formation from a biological, psychological, historical and spiritual level. The information is extensive and the time that was available when I gave the lecture was not suffficient for me to address all the points with the depth I wished. However, the …
Provocative Video! How Mass Fear Used to Control You
August 8, 2021 (~ 22 min, YouTube) This MUST WATCH video from Academy of Ideas helps you understand what we have been living through around the world since January 2020. With powerful visuals and simple explanations, it explores the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics–the mass psychosis and how it is achieved by those in …
Tips to Manage Stress Better
Watch this short video to learn how stress affects your body… STRESS: TIPS TO MANAGE IT BETTER! STRESS. It is ubiquitous for all of us. In fact, if we were truly “stress-free”, we’d be dead! So the goal is learning to manage the daily stresses in our lives better, and not letting stress build up …
This is what happens to your brain when you stop exercising
2017, World Economic Forum