Sir William Osler, MD – Wisdom We Must Heed

Some insightful quotations by Sir William Osler, one of the four founding physicians and faculty of Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Osler emphasized listening to and carefully examining the patient, learning at the bedside caring for people who were sick, not “diagnosis codes” and insurance-driven “protocols.” The priniciples taught by Sir William Osler were the hallmark …

Pastor Stephen Broden discusses COVID vaccinations and role of churches in STOP the SHOT!

August 4, 2021; Truth for Health Foundation(~ 5 min; Rumble) Pastor Stephen Broden: Truth for Health Foundation Board of Directors member, Founder and Senior Pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship, Dallas, TX; Executive Director, Content of Character Series, Co-Founder of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, discusses the role of the Church and possible risk of …