NEW WHISTLEBLOWER REPORT: US ARMY Ignores Religious Exemption – Losses Another Green Beret Over COVID Era Vax Mandates

John Frankman was a Captain in the Army who served as a Green Beret assigned to 7th Special Forces Group. With training in Airborne and Ranger Schools, and completion of SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape) and the Military Free Fall Course, Captain Frankman was one of America’s elite Special Forces operators. Difficulties over the COVID vaccine mandates and the Army’s politically-driven refusal to allow his religious exemption to the COVID shot has caused him to resign from the US Army. America has lost yet another US Army soldier with extensive, expensive, and difficult to replace specialized training. This is a travesty at the expense of the American taxpayer, and a betrayal of the years of training, commitment and dedication Captain Frankman invested in serving his country and his Oath to the US Constitution.

Before going on active duty, he spent four years in the Catholic seminary studying for the Archdiocese of Washington and the Military Archdiocese before discerning that God had different plans for him at the time. His commitment to his faith was the basis of his objection on moral grounds to the experimental gene therapy COVID injection, that involves use of aborted human baby tissue in the testing and manufacture of the shots. Of all of his military accomplishments, he considers refusing the immoral and illegal COVID vax his proudest moment even though it cost him his hard earned Army career as a Green Beret. He is currently completing his M.A. in systematic theology.Read more of Capt. Frankman’s story here, Check out his other interviews here:

For more information go to Truth for Health Foundation website AND Access our archive of all our shows at Check out medical and legal resources for help at to download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide. If you have been injured by any vaccine, go to to file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report.
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