Vindman Twins Ukraine Connections Trigger Revenge on US Army Lieutenant

Ukraine-born Trump impeachment conspirator Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, USA Ret., had a meltdown after the censure of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) was announced by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives as a result of Schiff’s lies and deceitful conduct falsely accusing President Trump of Russian collusion. In conduct unbecoming a military officer, Vindman verbally attacked Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Breitbart reporter Kristina Wong, calling Wong a “bitch.” Vindman failed to acknowledge the truth that Schiff’s Congressional censure was based on Schiff’s own actions to falsely accuse then-President Trump of collusion with the Russians, an accusation he knew to be a lie. Numerous investigations later revealed this accusation as false, including the report released by Special Counsel John Durham.

The Vindman brothers’ revenge on America and those who stand for our Constitution and the rule of law doesn’t stop there. Ukraine-born twin brother of Alexander Vindman, Yevgeny Vindman, US Army Colonel (Ret), used his position of power as senior JAG attorney at Aberdeen Proving Grounds to persecute and punish 1Lt. Mark Bashaw. Bashaw had a distinguished career in the Air Force as a senior NCO Master Sargent (E-7). He was then directly commissioned into the US Army as Preventive Medicine Officer charged with warning his command about health threats to the troops. Bashaw was assigned to the Army’s Public Health Center at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland, which is also the Army Medical Logistics Command center from which all the COVID-19 vaccines were stored and distributed to the entire US.

Aware of Bashaw’s Christian values from his Religious Accommodation Request and seeing a potential political opportunity under the Biden Administration, Yevgeny Vindman sought to have Bashaw’s chain of command court-martial Bashaw for exercising his religious freedom rights under both UCMJ and the US Constitution. On January 18, 2022, Vindman finally convinced Major General Robert Edmonson to order Bashaw’s court-martial. The details of this punitive and retaliatory court-martial on false charges, and Bashaw’s subsequent wrongful termination from the Army, have been discussed in depth in earlier shows regarding the many violations of UCMJ regulations, the US Constitution, and federal laws prohibiting retaliation against federally protected whistleblowers like Lt. Bashaw.

The issue for today’s show is why Col. Yevgeny Vindman, a senior JAG officer, so aggressively initiated and pushed for the prosecution of a Lieutenant not directly under his command.

This vindictive action appears to stem from a desire for revenge after the Trump White House fired Yevgeny Vindman from a prestigious position at the National Security Council and moved to a lesser role in the JAG department at Aberdeen Proving Grounds.

Nearly all JAG Lawyers knew that Lloyd Austin’s order for the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all military was on shaky legal grounds since the order was for using FDA-approved COVID injections, which did not then exist and have never been available to military or civilians in the US. The ONLY Covid-19 injections have been and remain EUA experimental products.

Most JAG attorneys appeared to realize that a court-martial conviction over a vaccine refusal would be nearly impossible. But the left-leaning JAG Lawyers willing to overlook UCMJ regulations, federal statutes in effect since the Anthrax mandate was overturned in court, and ignore federal whistleblower protections seemed to think they could get away with obtaining a court-martial conviction for service members who refused the mandates for masking and testing. In bringing a court-martial on these charges, they ignored the key fact that all of the available test kits and mask products were also not FDA-approved for COVID-19. All test kits and masks sold for COVID-19 clearly bore the EUA designation and could not be legally mandated.

At the court-martial, Defense JAG Attorneys argued that the testing and masking order for Lt. Bashaw was unlawful under UCMJ regulations, federal statutes Congress put in place after the 2004 Anthrax court ruling to prevent mandates for EUA products, and under the US Constitution protections. Defense JAG attorneys argued that Lt. Bashaw’s refusal of an unlawful order was his duty as an Officer under the UCMJ.

The Judge, however, overruled the Defense attorneys and held that Lt. Bashaw had refused a “lawful” order to undergo testing and masking. But then, in a highly unusual move, after listening to Bashaw’s qualifications and experience and hearing all of the character witnesses for Lt. Bashaw, the Judge recommended the charges be dropped, and there be no punishment for Lt. Bashaw.

That’s when Yevgeny Vindman steps in again to intervene and order punishment and termination from the military for Lt. Bashaw, with no benefits and a General Discharge that interferes with Bashaw’s future civilian employment. Attorneys, military leaders, journalists, and civilians with detailed knowledge of this case do not doubt that Vindman’s actions were out of revenge and retaliation against a federally protected whistleblower and were done to persecute a Christian conservative military officer who courageously stood firm on his Oath to the Constitution, not a political agenda. Lt. Bashaw took an Oath to serve the American people and the Constitution, and to the end, courageously carried out his duty to warn his command of the risk to the troops from the Covid shots and the health effects of wearing a mask all day for asymptomatic people.

This is just one of many ongoing actions spearheaded by the leftist culture of the Biden Administration to weaken the US Military by purging those who stand for their Oath to the Constitution and core Judeo-Christian values. America’s national security and military readiness continue to be decimated by the terminations of more than 10,000 service members for refusing to follow these unlawful orders and by the dire retention and recruiting crisis due to Biden’s unconstitutional policies.

For more information, go to Truth for Health Foundation website Download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, check our medical and legal resources for help, sign up for newsletter alerts, and join the fight for medical freedom on all fronts.

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