Whistleblower Report – 03.12.24 – 9/11 TRUTHS: Conspiracy By Any Measure, Prelude to COVID Cover-Up

By Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD

How many people today remember that on 9-11-2001 it was three WTC skyscrapers collapsed abruptly, telescoping into themselves into their own footprints, not just the two hit by planes?  The third skyscraper to collapse that day was the 47-story WTC 7, taller than skyscrapers in most states, yet it was not hit by a plane as the North and South towers were. 

WTC 7 collapsed on itself, into its own footprint, in less than 7 seconds with not one of the 80 support columns in the building providing any resistance. As our expert Richard Gage explains, this smooth descent at 2/3 the free fall rate, with the building accelerating down faster and faster is simply not possible with structural cold steel supports that would slow it down.  This rate of fall (“free-fall” acceleration) without any resistance from all supporting columns simply does not happen by fire, the “official” cause of WTC 7 collapse. Fire can cause steel to bend or warp, but not melt, as these buildings did…especially not if constructed of fireproofed steel as these were. In the history of the world’s skyscrapers, NEVER have we lost even one fireproofed steel skyscraper! NONE of the 12 steps of elaborate theories, as presented in the official narrative, are plausible.

For those who listened to our earlier Whistleblower Report with Capt. Dan Hanley, experienced military combat and commercial aviation pilot with 35 years in aviation and over 20,000 flight hours, you recall that Capt. Hanley stated unequivocally that even highly trained and experienced military pilots could not have flown those flight profiles and that evidence suggests the planes that hit WTC North and South towers were actually flown by a secret technology developed in conjunction with the US government –the uninterruptible autopilot.

Now we hear from Richard Gage, an architect of 30 years’ experience and member of the American Institute of Architects, who is the founder and former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Mr. Gage is now independent, and  along with his courageous wife Gail, continues to lead the charge toward a real investigation into the destruction of all 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11 at RichardGage911.org.  

Mr. Gage became interested in researching the destruction of the WTC high-rises after hearing the startling conclusions of a reluctant 9/11 researcher, David Ray Griffin, on the radio in 2006, which launched his own unyielding quest for the truth about 9/11. The organization he founded, AE911Truth, now numbers more than 3,500 architects and engineers demanding a new investigation into the destruction of all three World Trade Center high-rise buildings on 9/11. As an architect he has worked on most types of building construction, including numerous fire-proofed steel framed buildings. Most recently he worked on the construction documents for a $400M mixed-use urban project with 1.2 million square feet of retail, parking structure, and mid-rise office space—altogether about with 1,200 tons of steel framing.

Listen as Dr. Vliet and Richard Gage discuss the ways in which the government cover-up of 9/11 Truths and the evidence of prior-planning of this event laid the foundation for much of assaults on our freedom that followed the 9/11 attacks: the Patriot Act usurping core freedoms, the mandated experimental Anthrax vaccine that caused such damage to our military service members required to get the shot, the Swine Flu vaccine damage and cover-up, the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal under Obama-Holder secret False Flag that all were a prelude for the draconian lockdowns, false narratives, mandates, censorship and cover-ups we have experienced the last four years under the COVID tyrannical assault of all our freedoms.

Part II in this 911 Truths series will cover the parallels between 9/11 and COVID im more depth with our guest expert. Additional supporting documentation is available in this presentation written by Richard Gage:9/11 WTC Evidence https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dkiy1r5f84jup60ntso3y/PARALLELS-911-Covid-Dr.-Lee-V.-March-2-24-LINKED.pdf?rlkey=m35cuvk0hld4dp1dl87ee8l7p&dl=0

For more information go to Truth for Health Foundation website www.TruthForHealth.org. Download our Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, file a Citizens Vaccine Injury Report, check our medical and legal resources for help, sign up for newsletter alerts and join in the fight for medical freedom on all fronts. 

Our new Truth for Health Foundation store has exciting new products to improve your health and resilience. Go to: www.shoptruthforhealth.com Don’t miss our unique formulations of TruMitocondrial™ Boost and TruImmunoglobulin Plus™ to improve energy with improved cellular oxygenation, improve mitochondrial function, and boost the immune system, especially for those who may have had COVID or taken one or more COVID shots.  All of our exclusive professional formulations of nutraceuticals, vitamins, minerals, and specialty formulations are manufactured in an FDA-inspected certified current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) facility and are carefully vetted by Dr. Vliet and our medical team.  100% of the profits go to support our public charity missions.  

Your generosity keeps us in the fight for Truth. We still have major battles to defend our freedom on all fronts, especially for our military who are needing legal defense support. Your contributions will greatly help us support more military families and launch the new year from a position of strength.  https://secure.anedot.com/truth-for-health-foundation/donate

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Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD. US independent Preventive and Climacteric Medicine physician, author of 7 consumer heath books, and recipient of a 2014 Ellis Island Medal of Honor, the 2007 Voice of Women award from the Arizona Foundation for Women, a leader in COVID early home treatment to keep people out of the hospital and save lives, and since 2021 the President and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation, a 501(c)(3) faith-based public charity and human rights defense organization.  Dr. Vliet is the creator of the Foundation’s innovative six initiatives that advocate for early outpatient COVID treatment, treatment and resources for vaccine-injured patients including the Citizens Vaccine Injury Reporting System™ (CVIRS), legal defense grants for military service members and others denied medical and religious freedom, medical and legal help for families of hospitalized patients denied effective treatment, and the Health and Resilience Initiative to empower people with steps to improve health and avoid the restrictions on freedom with Big Medicine, Big Pharma and Big Government. The Foundation provides international educational and training programs focused on effective strategies for COVID and many other medical conditions, and on the interconnections of health, faith and lifestyle approaches for restoring resilience and quality of life.

Dr. Vliet has been a leader in patient centered, individualized medical care. Since 1986, she has practiced medicine independent of insurance contracts that interfere with patient-physician relationships and decision-making. Dr. Vliet is the founder of Vive Life Center with medical practices in Tucson AZ and Dallas TX, specializing in preventive and climacteric medicine with an integrated approach to evaluation and treatment of women and men with complex medical-endocrine problems from puberty to late life.   Dr. Vliet’s consumer health books include: It’s My Ovaries, Stupid; Screaming To Be Heard: Hormonal Connections Women Suspect– And Doctors STILL  Ignore; Women, Weight and Hormones; The Savvy Woman’s Guide to PCOS,  The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Great Sex, Strength, and Stamina. 

Dr. Vliet is a past member of the board of directors for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) and was a member of the AAPS Editorial Writing Team from 2009-2023. Dr. Vliet received her M.D. degree and internship in Internal Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School and completed specialty training at Johns Hopkins.  She earned her B.S. and master’s degrees from the College of William and Mary.  Follow Dr. Vliet on Twitter (X), TruthSocial, Substack, and other social media @TruthForHealth Websites: www.TruthForHealth.org, www.shoptruthforhealth.com and www.ViveLifeCenter.com

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