Faith Over Fear, Media and Podcasts

Faith Over Fear – 5.2.2023 – Exit the WHO

Join us for this presentation by Attorney Reggie Littlejohn, co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition, a nonpartisan group determined to protect and defend US National sovereignty and personal medical freedom against all enemies foreign and domestic, including globalist organizations such as the World Health Organization. Reggie is also co-founder and co-chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force, dedicated to sounding the alarm about the dangers of digital IDs, which can be used as tools of mass surveillance and control, similar to the China Social Credit System.  

Global Elites, the Biden Administration and the World Health Organization have orchestrated a chilling assault on every aspect of freedom in America. This week’s Faith Over Fear focuses on the Sovereignty Coalition campaign to exit the World Health Organization. Ceding control to WHO is a death blow and existential threat to American Sovereignty. EXITING the WHO is our only hope for maintaining not only our medical freedom but ALL of our core constitutional freedoms, including our Second Amendment rights. #ExitTheWho ~ Keep America FREE of WHO Control! Stop it, while we can.

Attorney Littlejohn is also the founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers. A graduate of Yale Law School, she is an acclaimed international expert on China’s One Child Policy, (now the Three-Child Policy).  Her organization has been called the “leading voice” in the battle to expose and oppose forced abortion and gendercide (the sex-selective abortion of baby girls) in China.   Women’s Rights Without Frontiers is the only organization with boots on the ground saving lives of babies and widows in China.  Their “Save a Girl” campaign has saved hundreds of baby girls.  Their “Save a Widow” Campaign is saving abandoned widows in rural China.  They have launched a “Save a Widow” Campaign in Uganda as well.

The Sovereignty Coalition Campaign to Exit The WHO: Please sign the American Sovereignty Declaration! Truth for Health Foundation has supported this effort to to protect our national sovereignty and our personal medical freedom from being damaged or destroyed by the World Health Organization. You can watch the full rollout and statements from such leaders as Michele Bachmann, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Jenny Beth Martin, Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, Dr. Kat Lindley and Dr. David Bell.  You can see the full list of panelists on the link below. Sovereignty Coalition – Full Rollout (1 hour, 40 minutes). 

NEWS from our Colleagues ~ MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

EVERY FRIDAY at 1:00 PM ET 12 Noon CT 10 AM PT “Ask Dr. Vliet” LIVE Q&A Open to the public on the VAXXCHOICE Clout Hub platform: Listen live at this link and Rumble

EVERY FRIDAY at NOON ET “Truth Be Told” Join the LIVE Q&A with International Attorney Todd Callender and a variety of expert co-hosts focused on today’s urgent topics.  Watch live 

EVERY THURSDAY at 1:00 PM ET “A-Z Guide to Disability Rights” LIVE Q&A with Certified ADA Advocate, Jay V. Shore and Chris Pazzula, J.D., Administrative Law Specialist. Hosted by Disabled Rights Advocates.  Watch and participate LIVE on CloutHub:

EVERY WEDNESDAY at 8:30 AM ET “A Time of Prayer and Encouragement” LIVE discussion. Led by FAA Whistleblower, Bruce McGray Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power. Psalm 110:3  Join at or


 @RobertKennedyJr: Big Pharma profits not from vaccines but from selling remedies for vaccine injuries. “They’re making $60 Billion a year selling us vaccines, but they’re making $500 Billion selling the remedies for the injuries caused by vaccines,” attested Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “If you can give somebody that vaccine and make them diabetic for life, then you’ve got a permanent customer.” Listen to his interview from 9-17-2020 that has been censored and not widely known:

Dr. Naomi Wolf concludes there was deliberate intent to sterilize the next generation and discusses her findings in the Pfizer documents with four independent physicians reporting on the myriad of menstrual and placental abnormalities in women who received the COVID shots. Listen to these staggering findings here:  If you have a problem with the link, try searching Dr. Naomi Wolf on Facebook.

In Case You Missed It: 

False Oaths, Stolen Freedom  Fraudulently installed U.S. Cabinet members and heads of critical government agencies have led to the destruction of the rule of law on all fronts. Stolen elections since 2008 have had dire consequences for the survival of our Constitutional Republic and our core freedoms. Today we discuss a new threat just revealed in a court case from Todd Callender, Esq, and his legal team: This stunning court case called a writ of quo warranto, seeks to invalidate the currently serving heads of our major government agencies and even Vice President Kamala Harris, based on the clear legal fact that they do not have a valid oath of office and, therefore no authority under the law to implement the draconian measures they have undertaken to destroy the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America. This is an urgent show that we need all of you to help share widely.

FOR BREAKING NEWS!  Tune in to The Whistleblower Report from Truth for Health Foundation’s Truth Team every Mon-Fri on demand at, our CloutHub and Rumble channels, and at 12 Noon and 12 Midnight ET on America Out Loud Talk Radio, and iHeart Radio.

Latest from The Truth Team: Don’t forget to visit the TFH Website.  Click on Medical and Legal Help tab on home page. We have posted several new educational handouts. Please share with your friends and neighbors our resources:  Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide, COVID Early Treatment Guide, and all our other FACT SHEETS and videos, podcasts at  Sign up to receive our alerts, participate in our seminars, and join our crusade for freedom!

Your generosity keeps us in the fight for Truth.  We still have major battles to defend our freedom on all fronts, especially for our military who are needing legal defense support. Your contributions will greatly help us support more military families and launch the new year from a position of strength.

Join our Crusade of the Voiceless…WE ARE SILENT NO MORE!
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